AS 91968 Annotated exemplars

Interact in spoken German to share and respond to information, ideas and opinions

German | Level 1
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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For Achieved, the student needs to interact in spoken German to share and respond to information, ideas, and opinions.

This involves using relevant language in unrehearsed and unscripted conversation, and referring to events or experiences in the present as well as the past or future. Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.

The assessed student is on the left in the first video, and on the right in the second.

In the first interaction, the student has shared information about her family and pets. She has used a variety of language from level 1 of the New Zealand Curriculum, with short simple sentences to convey relevant information. She has communicated overall, despite inconsistencies, and has maintained the interaction by helping her partner, e.g. “Wo wohnt/ liegt deine Familie?”

In the second interaction, organising a trip, the student has referred to past and future events and experiences, e.g. she initiated the conversation by asking “Was hast du letzte Wochende gemacht?” and when planning the cinema visit she made suggestions of possible times, “Sonntagabend um zwei Uhr? Kommt [redacted] mit?”

For Merit, the student could build on the information with more detail and reasons, and use more variety of structures. The interaction would also not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies such as “Er heißt sehr sehr lustig...”

Achieved video 1

Achieved video 2




For Merit, the student needs to interact capably in spoken German to share and respond to information, ideas, and opinions.

This involves using interactive strategies to support the conversation and a range of language. There will be evidence of building on aspects of the information, ideas, and opinions exchanged. Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

In both videos the assessed student is on the right.

The student has used a range of language, interacted with his partner, and built on aspects of the information, ideas, and opinions expressed. He has referred to past and future experiences, e.g. at his primary school “Er war sehr Spaß und entspannt. In meinem achten Jahr…”, and communication was not significantly hindered by inconsistencies. In the first interaction about primary school he has given reasons (with examples) why he prefers his high school to primary school. He asked for clarification when he did not understand a word, e.g. “Was bedeutet Pause?”, “Ist das Mittagessen?”

In the second interaction (a special place), the student gave descriptions of Glasgow and explained why he liked it, e.g. “eine große Stadtzentrum, Es ist sehr geregnet, aber ich liebe geregnet”. He used relevant phrases to ask for help or to sustain the interaction, such as “Was meinst du?...Was gefällt du nicht im Wald?”

For Excellence, there would be additional mastery of the relevant language. The student could use a wider variety of strategies to enhance the interaction, e.g. “Wann willst du wieder nach Deutschland fahren?”, and inconsistencies would not impact on the student’s contribution, e.g. “Ich geht Fuß gegangen”.

Merit video 1

Merit video 2




For Excellence, the student needs to interact skilfully in spoken German to share and respond to information, ideas, and opinions.

This involves successfully using interactive strategies that enhance the conversation and a range of language. Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.

In both videos the student is on the left.

The student refers to past and future events or experiences, and has given a detailed description of his first school in interaction 1 (primary school), with details to support his opinion, e.g. his favourite teacher “J’a, in den sechsten Klasse, Frau [redacted], sie war ganz nett und sehr aktiv. Wir haben viele Sport gespielt”. In interaction 2 (favourite place), he has given reasons why he prefers Mittenwald rather than a large city, and why he is looking forward to visiting again.

He has sustained the interaction with a variety of strategies to support his partner, e.g. “Was hast du in der Pause gemacht?”‚ “Wann warst du das letzte Mal in Glasgow?”, “Könntest du dir vorstellen, in Glasgow zu leben?”

The student has demonstrated a consistent mastery of the appropriate language. Inconsistencies are minor, and do not impact on clarity, e.g. “In Grundschule habe ich in so eine Schule in Dunedin gegangen”.

Excellence video 1

Excellence video 2


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