AS 91969 Annotated exemplars

Communicate in German for a chosen purpose

German | Level 1
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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Level 1 German assessment resources (external link) -


91969 Exemplar Achieved (PDF | 87 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to communicate in German for a chosen purpose. This involves using relevant language to express information, ideas, and opinions relevant to the context, and referring to events or experiences in the present as well as the past or future. Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.

The student has communicated in German about her home and her family. She gives details about her family members, her house, and what each person does, e.g. “ nervig, langweilig und manchmal nett.” She uses a variety of adjectives and gives reasons, e.g. “weil das Essen lecker ist”.

The student uses different tenses (present, past, and conditional) to refer to both past and future experiences. For example, she writes about her future wishes “Ich möchte mehr Haustiere, vielleicht wenn ich bin älter”.

The language used is at the expected level, up to and including level 6 of the New Zealand Curriculum. There is some repetition in the descriptions of her siblings and dog. Communication is achieved overall, despite consistent problems with some verb, adjective, and article agreements, e.g. “in sein/ihr Zimmer, Ich…faltet die Kleidung.” Communication is affected by the expression “einen Kartenstapel Außenseite”.

For Merit, there would be evidence of a range of language, e.g. a greater variety of sentence types with a wider variety of descriptive words. There would also be additional mastery of language shown by more accurate verb and article endings.


91969 Exemplar Merit (PDF | 86 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to communicate capably in German to communicate for a chosen purpose.

This involves using a range of language and building on aspects of information, ideas, and opinions expressed. Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

The student has described their city and surrounding area, with explanations and comparisons. This includes activities that could appeal to his incoming German-speaking visitor (with reasons).

The student uses a range of language to build on aspects of the information, ideas, and opinions, e.g. “Ich finde das ziemlich langweilig, weil ich Großstädte liebe”. He uses a variety of sentence types and tenses to talk about present and past or future experiences, e.g. “Wenn wir auch dort zusammen gehen könnten…Aber wir können auch den Strand besuchen.”

For Excellence, inconsistencies hindering communication would not be present, such as “Weil es zu viel Spaß macht...Aber nie zuge in viel fish und chip gesellschafter”. Further, for successful use of a range of language, there would be generally accurate production of language overall. Inconsistencies such as “nicht viele hohe Gebäude wie Christchurch…”, “als wir gespeit haben…” detract from the consistent mastery of language required for Excellence.


91969 Exemplar Excellence (PDF | 108 KB)


For Excellence, the student needs to communicate skilfully in German.

This involves using a range of language successfully and connecting the information, ideas, and opinions cohesively. Communication is not hindered by inconsistencies.

This student has written a lively and interesting letter using a wide range of language to refer to present, past, and future experiences or events, for example “Ich wünschte, ich würde mit meiner Familie in einen großen Urlaub fahren, aber leider sind wir letztes Jahr gefahren”.

Sentences are constructed confidently and mostly accurately using a range of complex language, e.g. “dass sie nur neidisch ist, weil ich größer als sie bin…”, “Wie hilfreich für den Anfang der wichtigen Prüfungen...”‚ “Jetzt muss ich das Essen in der Küche zubereiten, anstatt im Wohnzimmer fernzusehen, während meine Mutter kocht”. The writing is enhanced by a wide range of adjectives that are appropriately used.

The student enhances the writing through the use of humour when talking about getting sick, “Jetzt werde ich krank, dank der Weltmeisterschaft”.

Although there are a few minor inconsistencies, such as “Lizenz”, this does not interfere with communication. The text shows a logical flow and coherent structure throughout.

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