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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to evaluate, comprehensively, factors that influence people’s ability to manage change.
This involves providing an explanation that demonstrates critical understandings of:
- the risk and protective factors influencing people’s ability to manage change situations
- and strategies for maintaining the protective factors and minimising the risk factors.
The student has shown a conceptually sound understanding of the concepts of resilience, selecting risk and protective factors that are critical in terms of the development/maintenance of resilience in relation to the changes that Fred goes through (1).
The student shows critical understandings of how the factors influence Fred’s ability to manage a change situation. The students’ explanations go beyond the obvious by exploring links to future resilience to demonstrate a wider understanding of resilience concepts (2).
Strategies clearly link back to the previously explained factors (3), and the student shows critical understandings of how the strategies maintain the protective factors and minimise the risk factors (4).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could:
- develop a conceptually sound explanation of how the societal strategy would maintain protective factors, minimise risk factors and develop resilience (5).
- develop more detailed explanations of the inter-relationships between the strategies, for example by further considering how the strategies effectively work in combination to enable Fred to manage change and be resilient (6).
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to evaluate, in depth, factors that influence people’s ability to manage change.
This involves:
- explaining, in detail, risk and protective factors that are clearly linked to the change situations
- recommending personal, interpersonal and societal strategies specific to the change situations.
The student has explained, in detail, risk and protective factors (1). The selected risk and protective factors are clearly linked to the change situation and are more critical in relation to the change situation (2).
The strategies that are recommended are specific to the change situation, and are effective in terms of maintaining the protective factors and minimising the risk factors. Detailed explanations are provided for how the recommended strategies will minimise the risk factors, build on the protective factors and enable Fred to develop resilience (3).
To reach Excellence, the student could:
- provide explanations that demonstrate critical understanding of how some of the factors influence Fred’s ability to manage change situation (4)
- show that the major change results in many other inter-related changes
- develop the explanation of the inter-relationships between the strategies and how they work together and build resilience (5).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to evaluate, in depth, factors that influence people’s ability to manage change.
This involves:
- explaining, in detail, risk and protective factors that are clearly linked to the change situations
- recommending personal, interpersonal and societal strategies specific to the change situations.
The student has explained, in some detail risk and protective factors that influence Fred’s ability to cope and manage change (2) that are clearly linked to the change situation (1). In the explanations, there is some repetition of ideas.
The strategies that are recommended are specific to the change situation, and effective in terms of maintaining the protective factors and minimising the risk factors. The student has explained how the recommended strategies will minimise the risk factors, build on the protective factors and enable Fred to develop resilience (3).
For a more secure Merit, the student could:
- provide more detailed explanation/s of the risk and protective factors, and how the factors are related to the concept of resilience (4)
- provide more detailed explanation of the actions involved in the personal and societal strategies (5).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to evaluate factors that influence people’s ability to manage change.
This involves:
- explaining risk and protective factors that contribute to people’s ability to manage change situations
- recommending a combination of personal, interpersonal and societal strategies to maintain the protective factors and/or minimise the risk factors.
The student has explained valid risk and protective factors that are clearly linked to the change situation (1). They justify ‘why/how’ these factors help or hinder with Fred’s ability to cope and manage the change situation. Implicit links are made to the resilience concepts (2).
The student has recommended a combination of personal, interpersonal and societal strategies. Actions involved in the strategies are described (3) and the student has considered how the application of these strategies will enable Fred to develop resilience. Links have been included to the risk and protective factors which were previously discussed (4).
To reach Merit, the student could:
- explain, in detail, the risk and protective factors influence people’s ability to manage change
- recommend strategies that are specific to the change situation that Fred is experiencing.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to evaluate factors that influence people’s ability to manage change.
This involves:
- explaining risk and protective factors that contribute to people’s ability to manage change situations
- recommending a combination of personal, interpersonal and societal strategies to maintain the protective factors and/or minimise the risk factors.
The student has explained valid risk and protective factors. They have briefly described the factors, and given reasons to justify why/how each factor hinders or helps Fred’s ability to cope with change (and be resilient) (1). The nature of the factors is understood by the student, and some links have been made to the resilience concepts.
The student has recommended strategies at the personal, interpersonal and societal levels to maintain the protective factors and/or minimise the risk factors, and enable Fred to better cope with change (and be resilient) (2). The responses are brief.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could:
- provide greater detail/depth when explaining the risk and protective factors
- provide more details of the actions involved in the strategies
- further consider how the application of the strategies will maintain the protective factors and/or minimise the risk factors, therefore enabling Fred to cope with change and be resilient.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to evaluate factors that influence people’s ability to manage change.
This involves:
- explaining risk and protective factors that contribute to people’s ability to manage change situations
- recommending a combination of personal, interpersonal and societal strategies to maintain the protective factors and/or minimise the risk factors.
The student has explained personal and inter-personal risk and protective factors and demonstrates some understanding of the concepts of resilience (1). The nature of the factors is briefly described and reasoning is provided for why/how the factors hinder or help Fred’s ability to cope with change (and be resilient).
The strategies that are recommended link to the scenario. The student briefly considers how the recommended strategies will help Fred cope and mange change. For the interpersonal strategy the nature of the strategy is misunderstood as it is written in a more personal manner but it is a valid strategy (3).
To reach Achieved, the student could:
- provide further details to explain risk and protective that contributes to Fred’s ability to manage change and be resilient. The nature of the factors needs to be more clearly understood and explained, for example the societal risk factor is expressed more at the interpersonal level (2).
- recommend a valid personal strategy to maintain the protective factors and/or minimise the risk factors
- provide further details in terms of the actions involved in the strategies and ‘how’ they could enable Fred to cope with change and be resilient.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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