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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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TKI Health assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91461 Exemplar Low Excellence (PDF | 84 KB)


For Excellence, the student needs to analyse, perceptively, a New Zealand health issue.

This involves recommending strategies based on a coherent explanation that connects the health issue and the influence of the major determinants of health on the issue to underlying health concepts (hauora, socio-ecological perspective, health promotion, and attitudes and values).

The analysis needs to be supported by the coherent and consistent use of evidence.

The student has explained how three major determinants of health contribute to the issue of alcohol misuse by 16 to 24 year olds in New Zealand. The student has explained the influence of the political determinant (1) and its contribution to the underlying health issue. The explanation focuses on key aspects of the determinant, supported by relevant evidence. 

The student has explained implications at societal, interpersonal and personal levels. The societal impacts exemplified (2) show the development of short-term impacts into long-term impacts, supported by evidence. The student makes reference to the underlying concept of attitudes and values and shows evidence of critical thinking, explaining who is disadvantaged by the societal impacts. 

The student has recommended strategies - linking one to the political determinant (3). The student clearly explains what is involved in the action, how it seeks to address the political determinant, how it links to New Zealand drug policy, and how it leads to equitable health outcomes. 

For a more secure Excellence, the student should connect their strategies to the underlying concept of health promotion, incorporating ideas from existing models into their response (e.g. aspects of te Pae Mahutonga or the Ottawa Charter). The student could develop links to the concept of attitudes and values, for example within the ‘implications’ section, and when explaining how equitable health outcomes (social justice) can be achieved.

High Merit

91461 Exemplar High Merit (PDF | 81 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to analyse, in-depth, a New Zealand health issue.

This involves recommending strategies for addressing the health issue that take account of:

  • the influence of the major determinants of health on the health issue
  • the impact of the major determinants of health on well-being.

The analysis needs to be supported by detailed evidence.

The student has explained three major determinants of health which contribute to teenage pregnancy and parenthood in New Zealand. The influence of the social determinant is shown here (1), and in this answer the student has explained the nature of the influence and how it contributes to the health issue, with supporting evidence from one source. 

The student has explained implications at societal, interpersonal and personal levels, with the personal impacts exemplified (2). The student discusses a combination of short and long term, as well as positive and negative impacts, with supporting evidence from one source. 

The student has recommended strategies - a strategy linked to the social and economic determinant is shown here (3). The answer provides a detailed description of what is involved, and how or why the action would benefit a teenage mother and lead to equitable health outcomes. 

To reach Excellence, the student would need to develop the explanations by providing further detail, using more supporting evidence and making explicit links to the underlying concepts.

Low Merit

91461 Exemplar Low Merit (PDF | 81 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to analyse, in depth, a New Zealand health issue.

This involves recommending strategies for addressing the health issue that take account of:

  • the influence of the major determinants of health on the health issue
  • the impact of the major determinants of health on well-being.

The analysis needs to be supported by detailed evidence.

The student has explained three major determinants of health which contribute to alcohol misuse by 16 to 24 year olds in New Zealand. The student has explained the nature of the cultural influence (1), and how it contributes to the health issue, supported by evidence from one source. 

The student has explained implications at societal, interpersonal and personal levels, with interpersonal impacts shown here (2). The explanation includes short-term negative impacts, with supporting evidence from two sources. 

The student has recommended strategies - a strategy linked to the cultural determinant is shown here (3). The answer provides a detailed description of what is involved, and shows consideration of how or why the action would lead to equitable health outcomes, however it is not clearly established how the strategy links to the cultural determinant. 

For a more secure Merit, the student would need to:

  • provide more detail about binge drinking culture in New Zealand and its contribution to the health issue
  • develop the answer for interpersonal implications, for example by explaining long term or positive impacts for relationships
  • explain, in more detail, links between the strategy and the cultural determinant, and how equitable health outcomes may be achieved.

High Achieved

91461 Exemplar High Achieved (PDF | 92 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to analyse a New Zealand health issue.

This involves applying a critical perspective to a New Zealand health issue through:

  • explaining the nature of the health issue and its implications for the well-being of people and society
  • explaining how the major determinants of health influence the health issue
  • recommending strategies to bring about more equitable outcomes in relation to the health issue.

The analysis needs to be supported by evidence.

The student has explained three major determinants of health which contribute to teenage pregnancy or parenting in New Zealand. The influence of the cultural determinant is shown here (1). The student has briefly explained what the nature of the influence is, as well as how it is contributing to the health issue. Evidence from one source has been used to support this explanation. A statement is made about links to other determinants, but the idea is not developed. 

The student has explained implications at societal, interpersonal and personal levels, with the societal impacts exemplified (2). The explanation includes positive as well as negative impacts, with supporting evidence from one source.

The student has recommended strategies, with a strategy linked to the cultural determinant exemplified (3). The answer provides a limited description of what is involved as well as some consideration of how/why the action would address the cultural determinant and lead to equitable health outcomes.

To reach Merit, the student would need to further develop all explanations, in order to provide the detail needed for an in-depth analysis. This is likely to require the inclusion of a wider range of (detailed) evidence.

Low Achieved

91461 Exemplar Low Achieved (PDF | 81 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to analyse a New Zealand health issue.

This involves applying a critical perspective to a New Zealand health issue through:

  • explaining the nature of the health issue in and its implications for the well-being of people and society
  • explaining how the major determinants of health influence the health issue
  • recommending strategies to bring about more equitable outcomes in relation to the health issue.

The analysis needs to be supported by evidence.

The student has explained three major determinants for the health issue of alcohol misuse by 16-24 year olds in New Zealand. The student has explained the nature of the economic influence (1) and its contribution to the health issue. Evidence from one source supports this explanation.

The student has explained implications at societal, interpersonal and personal levels. The discussion of personal impacts includes both positive and negative (2), supported by evidence from one source.

The student has recommended strategies, with an example that links to the economic determinant (3). The answer provides a description of what is involved, with some consideration of how/why the action would address the economic determinant and thus address the health issue.

For a more secure Achieved, the student would need to:

  • develop the explanation of how the economic determinant influences the health issue
  • provide more detail in the discussion of implications - a number of ideas are identified that could be expanded
  • include further explanation of how/why the strategy would address the health issue and lead to equitable health outcomes in relation to it. 

High Not Achieved

91461 Exemplar High Not Achieved (PDF | 79 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to analyse a New Zealand health issue.

This involves applying a critical perspective to a New Zealand health issue through:

  • explaining the nature of the health issue and its implications for the well-being of people and society
  • explaining how the major determinants of health influence the health issue
  • recommending strategies to bring about more equitable outcomes in relation to the health issue.

The analysis needs to be supported by evidence.

The student has explained three major determinants of health which contribute to teenage pregnancy/parenting in New Zealand. The influence of the social determinant is shown here (1). The student has briefly explained what the nature of the influence is, but not explained how it contributes to the health issue. Evidence from one source has been used to support the answer.

The student has explained implications at societal, interpersonal and personal levels, with personal impacts exemplified (2). The brief explanation includes positive and negative impacts, but with no supporting evidence provided.

The student has recommended strategies, linking one to the social determinant (3). The answer provides a limited description of what is involved, with some consideration of how/why the action would address the health issue and encourage social justice. 

To reach Achieved, the student would need to develop all explanations in order to provide the detail needed for analysis at this level. Further supporting evidence is also needed.

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