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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to give a clear, effective spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint, in Japanese that is controlled and integrated. There will be capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
The student capably selects and uses a range of language and language features, e.g. し, ので, につぃて, という, とおもう and ように, as well as the potential form of the verb.
The student communicates a critical response to stimulus material, e.g. ほとんどのまんがはかんたんだし, よみやすいし, こわいえいがたくさんあるから, こどもやわかものににんきだとおもいます.
The presentation explains and justifies a viewpoint, e.g. そしてまんががこくさいてきになって英語のまんががありますから外国人も読めます. たくさんの日本ドラマを見ながらたくさんの日本のぶんかと日本のせいかつもならえます. わたしはドラマをみるときサブタイトルとみますからあたらしい日本語のたんごうもならえます.
For a more secure Excellence, there would be more consistent evidence of capable selection and use of language, e.g. avoiding the problems with て forms and verb endings.
Video for Low Excellence (2:38 mins)
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a clear, convincing spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint, in Japanese that is credible and connected. There will be a range of language and language features. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student shows evidence of evaluation of the stimulus materials by talking about a caption on capsule hotels as seen on YouTube. The speaker gives a personal viewpoint that the concept of such a hotel is interesting and that they would not mind staying in one - especially after a late night out.
To reach Excellence, there needs to be additional evidence of controlled and integrated language that is appropriately and successfully selected, e.g. あたたかいベッドがすごいと思います. Presumably it is not just in capsule hotels that a warm bed is great.
Further the rapid delivery, and pronunciation issues will have less impact on communication of the message.
Video for High Merit (2:30 mins)
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a clear, convincing spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint, in Japanese that is credible and connected. There will be a range of language and language features. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student selects and uses a range of language and language features that are fit for the purpose, e.g. きいたことがありますか はじめてストンスパにいってみました ~というとくべつないしをつかいます.
The student communicates a critical response to stimulus material, e.g. ストンスパといいますけどスパとちがいま. す水をつかないでマグマストンというとくべつないしをつかいます. 大きいいしの上によこになっておやすみします.
The presentation explains and justifies a viewpoint, e.g. サウナよりからだにいいですあせをもっとかきますけどにおいがしていません. おもしろいですね. 日本語の先生がこのあせは体に本当にいいと言っていましたからシャーワをあびませんでした.
The language is generally credible and connected and communication is not significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
For a more secure Merit, inconsistencies such as the pronunciation of some items of language and tense problems would have less impact on communication of the message.
Further, for a more secure Merit, there could be additional evidence of development, e.g. the viewpoint of the Japanese teacher regarding the benefits of stone spas compared to ordinary saunas could have been developed, explaining the differences between a traditional European sauna and the Japanese stone spa.
Video for Low Merit (2:43 mins)
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a clear spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
There is successful use of language to explain and justify a view point, e.g. ふつうのホテル よりもやすいし 町の中にあるし とまりやすいのでたくさんの人がつかいます. 帰るのでんしゃ がなくなるととまります.
A critical response is given, e.g. ニュージーランド人はカプセルホテルがすきじゃないだと思います。でももし私は日本に行くととまりたいです.
To reach Merit, inconsistencies such asカプセルホテルは小さいへやですやさーやすいし おとこのひとはうえですちいさすぎますからですwill not significantly hinder communication.
Video for High Achieved (2:48 mins)
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a clear spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student gives a critical response to the YouTube caption seen on capsule hotels in Japan. There is analysis and interpretation of information on these Hotels, e.g. おきゃくさんがひつようなサービスがやすいです. べんりのでたくさんのひとがつかいますand ほとんどのおきゃくさんはおさけをのみすぎましたからいえにかえりません.
A personal viewpoint is given (the student wants to stay in one) and the basic rules of the hotel are given: 入る前にくつをぬいで .
For a more secure Achieved, there would be additional evidence of language at level 8 of the New Zealand Curriculum to support analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Further, pronunciation and language inconsistencies should impact less on the overall understanding of the message.
Video for Low Achieved (2:31 mins)
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a clear spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student communicates a critical response to stimulus material as well as justifying a view point, e.g. ニュージーランドで日本人が たくさんいますから私はニュージーランドですもかくことすると思います. ニュージーランド人はすもをきようそうです. せいようのレスリングより日本のすもうをけびしいですが, すもうはおもしろそうと思います.
The student does include some appropriate language and language features, e.g. ‘日本に行ったら みるつもりです.’
To reach Achieved, inconsistencies will not hinder communication, e.g. かくとしました, ニュージーランドですも, けびしいですがはげししくて, てんとうてき.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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