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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to analyse thoroughly the influence of Latin text(s) on subsequent culture(s).
This involves:
- using linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down the Latin text(s)
- fully expanding on particular selected points, connections, inferences, themes, ideas and/or attitudes and how they link from the past to subsequent cultures
- supporting the analysis with Latin references and/or quotations from resources
- using unambiguous Latin evidence with an English explanation.
This student has used linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down the Latin texts of the trial of Saint Joan of Arc, Procès et Condamnacion, and The Life of Joan of Arc by Aeneas Silvius. The student expands fully on selected particular points in these texts, and demonstrates how they link to a subsequent culture.
The student notes, for example, Joan’s spiritual beliefs described by Aeneas Silvius (5) and makes a clear link between them and the power of the amulet used in the modern Playstation game Jeanne d’Arc (4).
Particular points have been fully expanded on, for example, that Joan heard voices and followed their instructions (1) (2).
Another link is made between the Latin text and a subsequent culture by analysing an extract and showing how it has been interpreted in a modern game (6) (7).
The analysis is supported by Latin quotations from the resources (5) (7).
Unambiguous Latin evidence with an English explanation is supplied: ‘divino spiritu adflata est. She was filled with the divine spirit’ (5).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could supply the Latin quotation for ‘When she was asked what was the voice that first came to her when she was 13 or thereabouts she replied that it was Saint Michael’ (3), and an English translation for ‘eius nuntia veni. si parueris tibi tuum solium, Remisque propediem tuo capite coronam imponam’ (7).
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to analyse clearly the influence of Latin text(s) on subsequent culture(s)
This involves:
- using linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down the Latin text(s)
- expanding unambiguously in English on particular selected points, connections, inferences, themes, ideas and/or attitudes and how they link from the past to subsequent cultures
- using resources to support the analysis.
This student has used linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down the Latin texts of the trial of Saint Joan of Arc, Procès et Condamnacion, and The Life of Joan of Arc by Aeneas Silvius. The student expands on particular selected points in these texts, showing how they link to a subsequent culture.
The student notes, for example, how Joan’s leadership skills, described by Aeneas Silvius (2), are portrayed in the modern film The Messenger (1).
The student has fully expanded on particular selected points such as Joan’s leadership skills (2) and her devotion to God (5).
Additional links from the Latin texts to the subsequent culture have been made by referring to their inclusion in the film The Messenger (3) (5).
The analysis has been supported by the use of resources (2) (4).
To reach Excellence, in addition to the full expansion of points noted above, the student could supply the Latin text for the English translations. Passages could be translated as ‘The maiden, having led out the battalion, as soon as she caught sight of the enemy, raised a huge shout and made a horrible attack to go through the English standards, among whom nobody was found who dared to stand firm or show their face’ (2) and ‘She, entering the city and receiving the highest praise from the citizens, brought in supplies of every kind for those who were now perishing of starvation’ (4).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to analyse clearly the influence of Latin text(s) on subsequent culture(s)
This involves:
- using linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down the Latin text(s)
- expanding unambiguously in English on particular selected points, connections, inferences, themes, ideas and/or attitudes and how they link from the past to subsequent cultures
- using resources to support the analysis.
This student has used linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down selected lines from the Latin text of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. The student expands on themes and ideas in this text and how they link to a subsequent culture. The student notes, for example, that Ovid’s theme of the consequences of not following advice (8) is portrayed in the modern television programme My Little Pony (9).
The idea of Icarus’ desire for flight (2) (4) and the theme of the consequences of not following advice (6) (9) are expanded on unambiguously in English.
Ovid’s poem is linked to subsequent cultures by analysing the similarities to it in a song (1) and a television programme (7).
Resources are used to support the analysis (3) (8).
For a more secure Merit, the student could further expand on the idea of ‘the old man standing on the hill’ (5) by comparing him with Daedalus looking out from the tower in Crete. It could also be stated that Ovid’s Icarus dies because he ignores his father’s warnings and the wax binding his wings melts (6).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to analyse the influence of Latin text(s) on subsequent culture(s).
This involves:
- using linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down the Latin text(s)
- identifying and exploring particular selected points, connections, inferences, themes, ideas and/or attitudes and how they link from the past to subsequent cultures
- using resources to support the analysis.
This student has used linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down the Latin text of the trial of Saint Joan of Arc, Procès et Condamnacion. The student identifies and explores ideas in this text and how they link to a subsequent culture. The student notes, for example, how the idea of Joan’s wearing of men’s clothing described in the Latin text (7) is mocked in a modern video rap (8).
The ideas of Joan’s belief in God (2) and her leadership (4) are also identified and explored.
The Latin text about Joan of Arc is linked to a subsequent culture by analysing how it is used in a modern rap song (1) (2) (4) (8).
Resources are used to support the analysis (3) (7).
To reach Merit, the student could expand unambiguously on the fact that Joan of Arc was burned at the stake (5), and on how the French sold Joan to the English (9).
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to analyse the influence of Latin text(s) on subsequent culture(s).
This involves:
- using linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down the Latin text(s)
- identifying and exploring particular selected points, connections, inferences, themes, ideas and/or attitudes and how they link from the past to subsequent cultures
- using resources to support the analysis.
This student has used linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down a Latin text by Aeneas Silvius. The student identifies and explores ideas in this text and how they link to a subsequent culture.
The student identifies, for example, the idea of Joan’s wearing of men’s clothing (2), and links it to her wearing men’s clothing in the film The Messenger (1).
The idea of Joan’s wearing of men’s clothing is explored further (3) (4) (5), and her hearing of voices is identified and explored (6).
Links from the past to a subsequent culture are established by describing events in the film The Messenger (1) (8) and referring them back to the Latin version of Joan’s story.
Resources (3) (7) have been used to support the analysis.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could give more examples of hearing voices, and provide a quote in either English or Latin from the account of Aeneas Silvius (8).
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to analyse the influence of Latin text(s) on subsequent culture(s).
This involves:
- using linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down the Latin text(s)
- identifying and exploring particular selected points, connections, inferences, themes, ideas and/or attitudes and how they link from the past to subsequent cultures
- using resources to support the analysis.
This student has used linguistic and cultural knowledge to break down the Latin texts of the Trial of Saint Joan of Arc, Procès et Condamnacion, and The Life of Joan of Arc by Aeneas Silvius.
The student identifies and explores, for example, the particular selected points of Joan’s religious convictions (1) and her leadership (6).
The particular selected points of Joan’s religious convictions (2) (3) (4) and leadership (9) have been further identified and explored.
Resources have been used to support the analysis (5) (7) (8).
To reach Achieved, the student could link the particular selected points to the subsequent culture.
For example the quoted Murduk lyrics (6) could be replaced with the lines ‘Afraid to die you are. Don’t believe. Don’t believe. The saints are dead people’ which would present a clearer link with the previous statement that she will be killed.
A reference to the French eventually betraying Joan to the English, whom she defeated at Orleans, would make a relevant link between the modern lyrics (10) and the Latin text.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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