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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the standard requires the student to evaluate different materials to develop a Materials and Processing Technology outcome. This involves analysing the properties of different materials and justifying the use of those materials for the creation of a purposeful outcome.
The student has created an innovative textiles outcome to be used in a State of Emergency.
The evidence reveals the student has initially explored through experimentation (and research) the performance properties of different, often unfamiliar, materials. Further investigation of the performance properties of those materials includes experimenting with a variety of transformation, manipulation, forming, and combining techniques. The student has clearly refined their selection of materials based on the results of the experiments.
The students’ investigations have informed the development of two conceptual designs for a purposeful outcome.
Feedback has been gathered at several stages during the investigations, and is incorporated into the development of the outcome. The feedback has guided ongoing investigation or confirmed the ultimate selection of materials.
Analysis of the properties of the different materials is evident throughout the testing and trialling, revealing that the combination of vinyl and velvet textiles were a reasonable and justifiable choice for the creation of the purposeful outcome. The final brief, conceptual design, and specifications also justify the use of the chosen materials.
To secure the grade, the student should have delved deeper into the performance properties of the initially selected materials. Further evaluation of these materials would provide a clearer justification for choosing vinyl and velvet. Focusing more on the materials performance properties when manipulated and combined and less on the technical feasibility of the methods used would also strengthen the evidence.
High Merit
For Merit, the standard requires the student to examine different materials to develop a Materials and Processing Technology outcome.
This involves investigating the performance properties of different materials through ongoing experimentation. The ongoing experimentation will incorporate feedback and guide refinement of the selection and use of materials in the creation of purposeful outcome.
The student has created a jewellery item for a family member within a multi-materials Technology context by combining different materials.
The evidence reveals the student has experimented with and examined a range a materials to ascertain their suitability for the outcome. The initial experiments using paper mâché, clay, wood and acrylic have explored how to form shapes to ensure they are sturdy and durable.
Ongoing investigation into how to combine resin with wood, acrylic, gold flakes, and paint chips has guided refinement. Further testing investigated the performance properties of transparency, weight, and aesthetics and resulted in a selection of resin, silver flakes, and acrylic for the creation of the purposeful outcome.
Stakeholder feedback is incorporated during the development of the outcome and has been documented at several stages. A key and wider stakeholder has been consulted and the feedback informs the investigation of the properties of the different materials.
For Excellence, additional analysis of the material properties is needed. This would likely show or prove the resin, silver flakes, and acrylic materials used were fully explored before being determined reasonable and therefore a justifiable choice for the creation of the purposeful outcome.
Low Merit
For Merit, the standard requires the student to examine different materials to develop a Materials and Processing Technology outcome. This involves investigating the performance properties of different materials through ongoing experimentation. The ongoing experimentation will incorporate feedback and guide refinement of the selection and use of materials in the creation of purposeful outcome.
The student has created a quilted bag for a family member by combining and manipulating different textile materials.
The evidence reveals the initial experiments combining satin, cotton, cotton knit, and chiffon broadly explored the performance properties of weight, workability, texture, and transparency. Further research and experimentation is completed and a cotton fabric chosen as suitable. A decision is made to investigate the stability and visual appeal of quilting with sewing thread using different stitches and stitch patterns.
The ongoing investigation into quilting has guided refinement. Stakeholder feedback is incorporated during throughout the development of the outcome, and key and wider stakeholder opinions guide the student to further explore the performance properties.
A more secure Merit requires the student to demonstrate they have refined their material choice through more in-depth exploration. For example, examination of options for wadding to explore cushioning when combined/layered with the cotton fabric.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the standard requires the student to experiment with different materials to develop a Materials and Processing Technology outcome. This involves exploring the performance properties of different materials through experimentation and then creating a purposeful outcome informed by the exploration.
These examples are partial extracts from two student folios. Both students have thoroughly explored the performance properties of their chosen materials and ingredients through experimentation, ultimately creating purposeful outcomes using Technological Practice.
The first extract demonstrates a student's experimentation with manipulating PVC and fleece materials using different stitch patterns. These techniques explore the performance properties of stretch, colour, flexibility, and rigidity. There is clear evidence that the student understands how manipulating and combining the materials altered their performance. Ultimately, the student created a purposeful weatherproof jacket for a cat.
The second extract shows a student's experimentation with combining and transforming ingredients to explore and confirm the performance properties of texture, flavour, viscosity, and structure of the pastry, pie filling, and finished pie. There is clear evidence that the student understands how combining and transforming the ingredients altered their performance, ultimately creating a purposeful morning tea snack.
To reach Merit, the standard requires students to undertake ongoing investigation of the performance properties to refine their outcomes. This involves additional exploration guided by their own curiosity and stakeholder feedback to inform the refinement of the developing outcome.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the standard requires the student to experiment with different materials to develop a Materials and Processing Technology outcome. This involves exploring the performance properties of different materials through experimentation and creating a purposeful outcome informed by the exploration.
These examples are partial extracts taken from two student folios. Both students have sufficiently explored the performance properties of the chosen materials through experimentation. They have both developed and ultimately created purposeful outcomes using Technological Practice.
The first extract shows the student has experimented with combining laser cut MDF (using different joining techniques), LED’s with different frosted or coloured acrylics, and different combinations of circuitry components. The performance properties explored include thermal conductivity, strength, appearance, luminosity, durability, and flexibility.
The second student crafted a chopping board, broadly exploring the performance properties of rimu and macrocarpa. Their evidence primarily focuses on the testing and manufacturing processes, but they also noted the absorbency, softness, and density of these materials when laminated, shaped, and oiled.
For a secure Achieved, more detailed observations of the performance properties of materials and components are required. Choosing experiments that specifically involve transforming, manipulating, combining, or forming materials will likely ensure this evidence is clearly demonstrated.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the standard requires the student to experiment with different materials to develop a Materials and Processing Technology outcome. This involves exploring the performance properties of different materials through experimentation and creating a purposeful outcome informed by the exploration.
An increased focus on Explanatory Note 3 and the creation of a purposeful outcome which meets a need or opportunity identified for a specific person, whānau, or community is needed to attain the standard.
The students project focuses heavily on measuring objectively the inherent performance properties of a range of timbers. While soaking, burning, dropping, and applying weight to timber can reveal performance properties such as water resistance, flammability, impact, or pressure resistance, the experiments do not employ the methods from Explanatory Note 3.
For Achieved, the student must explicitly show what was discovered about how the timbers performed when transformed, manipulated, combined, or formed. For example, combining the timbers and components using joining methods (to explore strength when combined), transforming timber by steaming (to explore flexibility when shaped), or treating and polishing the surface (to explore sheen or moisture resistance).
A purposeful outcome is also required to attain the standard. To determine if an outcome is purposeful, it must address the need or opportunity identified. While the purpose of the testing is clear, the purpose of the final outcome remains uncertain.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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