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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to design a questionnaire with statistical insight.
This involves integrating statistical and contextual knowledge relevant to the purpose of the survey throughout the design process.
This student’s evidence comes from the TKI assessment resource ‘Caffeinated Teenagers’.
The student has clarified the specific information needs of the survey and the groups who will use the data (1), posed survey questions while considering sources of variation (2), and checked the survey questions by carrying out a desk review (3) and conducting a pilot survey, including collecting and recording data (4).
The student has refined the questionnaire based on the results of the pilot survey (5) and documented the design process, including the draft and final questionnaire, which had an appropriate range of questions (included in an appendix) (6).
The student has completed each component of the design process. There is evidence of the integration of statistical and contextual knowledge throughout the design process (7). The student has also reflected on the process (8).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could discuss in more depth the structure of the questions, and reflect further about the information gained from the desk review.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to design a questionnaire, with justification.
This involves linking components of the questionnaire design process to the context and explaining relevant decisions made in the design process.
This student’s evidence comes from the TKI assessment resource ‘Caffeinated Teenagers’.
The student has clarified the specific information needs of the survey and the groups who will use the data (1), posed survey questions while considering sources of variation (2) and checked the survey questions by carrying out a desk review (3) and conducting a pilot survey, including collecting and recording data (4).
The student has refined the questionnaire based on the results of the pilot survey (5) and documented the design process, including the draft and final questionnaire (6).
The student has completed each component of the questionnaire design process. There is evidence of justification in the linking of components of the questionnaire design process, and in the explanations relating to the decisions made in the design process throughout the response (7).
To reach Excellence, the student could provide more evidence of statistical insight. For example, the student could discuss the pilot survey with respect to the purpose of designing the questionnaire.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to design a questionnaire, with justification.
This involves linking components of the questionnaire design process to the context and explaining relevant decisions made in the design process.
This student’s evidence comes from the TKI assessment resource ‘Caffeinated Teenagers’.
The student has clarified the specific information needs of the survey and the groups who will use the data (1), posed survey questions while considering sources of variation (2) and checked the survey questions by carrying out a desk review (3) and conducting a pilot survey, including collecting and recording data (4).
The student has refined the questionnaire based on the results of the pilot survey (5) and documented the design process, including the draft and final questionnaire (6).
The student has completed each component of the questionnaire design process. There is evidence of justification in the linking of components of the questionnaire design process and in the explanations relating to decisions about the survey.
For a more secure Merit, the student could provide greater depth in the explanation of decisions made in designing the final questionnaire.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to design a questionnaire.
This involves showing evidence of using each component of the questionnaire design process.
This student’s evidence comes from the TKI assessment resource ‘Caffeinated Teenagers’.
The student has clarified the specific information needs of the survey and the groups who will use the data (1), posed survey questions while considering sources of variation (2) and checked the survey questions by carrying out a desk review (3) and conducting a pilot survey, including collecting and recording data (4).
The student has refined the questionnaire based on the results of the pilot survey (5) and documented the design process, including the draft and final questionnaire (6).
The student has completed each component of the questionnaire design process.
To reach Merit, the student could have improved and increased the justification in the response. The justification of some questions lacks clarity, and it is also not completely clear how the evidence of the collecting and recording of data in the pilot justified changes to questions.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to design a questionnaire.
This involves showing evidence of using each component of the questionnaire design process.
This student’s evidence comes from the TKI assessment resource ‘Caffeinated Teenagers’.
The student has clarified the specific information needs of the survey and the groups who will use the data (1), posed survey questions while considering sources of variation (2) and checked the survey questions by carrying out a desk review (3) and conducting a pilot survey, including collecting and recording data (4).
The student has also refined the questionnaire based on the results of the pilot survey (5) and documented the design process, including the draft and final questionnaire (6).
The student has completed each component of the design process.
For a more secure Achieved, the student’s evidence would need to be clearer regarding the refining of the questionnaire following the pilot survey.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to design a questionnaire.
This involves showing evidence of using each component of the questionnaire design process.
This student’s evidence comes from the TKI assessment resource ‘Caffeinated Teenagers’.
The student has clarified the specific information needs of the survey and the groups who will use the data (1), posed survey questions while considering sources of variation (2) and checked the survey questions by conducting a pilot survey(s), including collecting and recording data (3).
The student has also refined the questionnaire based on the results of the pilot survey (4) and documented the design process, including the draft and final questionnaire (5).
To reach Achieved, the student needs to check the survey questions by carrying out a desk review. The evidence relating to the refinement of the questionnaire could also be clearer.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
Download all exemplars and commentary [PDF, 433 KB]
TKI Mathematics and Statistics assessment resources (external link)