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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to communicate musical intention convincingly by composing three original pieces of music.
This involves developing, structuring, and representing musical ideas imaginatively. The music demonstrates stylistic assurance and flair and communicates the intention of the composer(s) with impact. Representation conveys the intention of the composer(s) in detail.
This student has selected musical text which allows very good potential to demonstrate compositional techniques together with imagination. The strophic nature of the verses is very well balanced and structured with cleverly interwoven musical textures over a secure harmonic foundation.
The overall effect of the piece is a convincing and assured composition which has been appropriately represented in written and audio form.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could reconsider the parts of the music where the vocalists are challenged to sing at the extremity of their vocal ranges. Care over tessitura would allow the student to fully demonstrate stylistic assurance.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to communicate musical intention effectively by composing three original pieces of music.
This involves developing, structuring, and representing musical ideas skilfully to communicate the intention of the composer(s) with style and character. Representation accurately conveys the intention of the composer(s).
This student has composed for mixed ensemble. They use complex rhythms to represent the idea of learning advanced mathematical concepts and gradually pull their musical intention together into a well-structured piece which demonstrates style and character.
The composition is clearly represented with concise musical instructions provided; overall effectiveness is demonstrated in development of musical elements. Some imagination is shown in the way the music seems fragmented at the start but gradually gains coherence as the piece progresses, and the student begins to make sense of their mathematics class.
To reach Excellence, the student could develop their musical ideas further to fully demonstrate compositional assurance and flair.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to communicate musical intention effectively by composing three original pieces of music.
This involves developing, structuring, and representing musical ideas skilfully to communicate the intention of the composer(s) with style and character. Representation accurately conveys the intention of the composer(s).
This student has composed a fanfare for three trumpets and snare drum.
Compositionally, this music demonstrates the use of effective creative techniques. The trumpeting parts are layered well and create a pleasing sound which exhibits some style and character. The overall framework is well structured. Written representation is accurate and pays attention to details such as articulation and dynamics.
For a more secure Merit, the student could alleviate some musical ‘challenges’ within the trumpet parts where instrumental ranges are sometimes less than comfortable. There are also moments when the music needs to have stronger harmonic focus, particularly in the middle section. Tidying up these details would allow the composition to be fully effective.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to communicate musical intention by composing three original pieces of music.
This involves developing, structuring, and representing musical ideas coherently and purposefully to express the intention of the composer(s).
This student has composed for two guitars and a percussion line. The composition has a sense of style and structure, and musical sections are clearly defined and articulated. There is rhythmic interest, which adds to the sense of forward movement and purpose to the music.
To reach Merit, the student could work further on making the thematic ideas connect more to make the composition fully coherent and more skilfully developed.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to communicate musical intention by composing three original pieces of music.
This involves developing, structuring, and representing musical ideas coherently and purposefully to express the intention of the composer(s).
This student has composed a duet for guitar and bass guitar. The composition is structured, shows some development and is generally clearly represented.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could use less repetition and develop musical ideas more fully. More exploration of the timbral qualities of the instruments would also allow the composition to demonstrate more musical purpose.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to communicate musical intention by composing three original pieces of music.
This involves developing, structuring, and representing musical ideas coherently and purposefully to express the intention of the composer(s).
This student has composed for keyboard. There is some evidence of structure and the beginnings of the development of musical ideas.
To reach Achieved, the student could develop the musical ideas more fully to create a balanced and coherent piece of music. Establishing tempo, dynamic markings and other performance directions would be beneficial in enabling a clearer representation of the composer’s musical intention.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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