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For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of how a significant narrative relates to a religious or spiritual tradition.
This involves describing the origin or context of the significant narrative. This could include details of how the narrative was written and by who, when and where it was written, and who the intended audience was. More than one key message from within the significant narrative needs to be described. Use of relevant examples are required in the description of the key messages.
This student has described the origin of Luke’s Gospel, and also the context at the time of writing regarding the roles of women. Two key messages from Luke’s Gospel have been identified and described using relevant examples from the narrative. The key messages described are Jesus’ treatment of women, and salvation.
For Merit, the student could have explained how each of these key messages connect to a religious tradition. For example, the student could have used Catholic Social Teaching on Human Dignity to connect the message of Jesus’ treatment of women to the Catholic Tradition. Evidence from the Catholic catechism could have been used to further support this explanation.
For Merit, the student needs to explain how a significant narrative relates to a religious or spiritual tradition.
This involves describing the origin or context of a chosen significant narrative, and describing more than one key message from within the narrative. An explanation for how key messages from a significant narrative connect to a religious or spiritual tradition is required. For example, this could include an explanation of how a key message from a narrative is reflected in ethical teachings from within the tradition. This explanation would be supported with relevant evidence.
This student has described the origin and context of Luke’s Gospel, and identified and described more than one key message contained within this narrative. The key messages described are Jesus’ unconditional love for all, and the treatment of women. The student has explained how each message connects to the Catholic Tradition, and used relevant evidence to support their explanation. For example, they have connected Jesus’ unconditional love for all to the Catholic Social Teaching on Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable.
For Excellence, the student could have discussed how the identified key messages could be applied to the Catholic Tradition. For example, by discussing how supporting the work of Caritas applies the Teaching on Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable.
For Excellence, the student needs to examine how a significant narrative relates to a religious or spiritual tradition.
This involves describing the origin or context of a significant narrative, and then describing more than one key message contained within this narrative. Providing reasons for how the key messages connect to a religious or spiritual tradition is required, followed by a discussion of how these messages are applied within a religious or spiritual tradition. Use of relevant evidence is required to develop the examination.
This student has described the origin and context of Matthew’s Gospel alongside a description of two key messages from this narrative: forgiveness, and care for the poor and vulnerable. The student has provided reasons for how each key message connects to the Catholic Tradition, then applied both messages to the Catholic Tradition itself. For example, forgiveness has been applied to the restorative practice in schools today, and care for the poor and vulnerable has been applied through supporting Caritas and the Hospice movement. The student has used relevant evidence to develop their discussion.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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