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For Achieved, the student needs to describe the origin or context of a significant narrative that relates to a religious tradition and describe the key messages in the chosen significant narrative. Relevant examples should be used in the description.
This involves describing the process of formation of the significant narrative or a description of the context in which the narrative was written. This could include details of how the narrative was written and by who, when, and where it was written, and who the intended audience was. At least two key messages should be described. Key messages are important ideas or communications featured in the chosen significant narrative.
The description of the key messages could include what is communicated in the key message and how or where the key message is reflected in the chosen narrative. Relevant examples included in the description could be quotes from the chosen narrative.
This student has described the context of Luke’s Gospel and identified two key messages found in this Gospel: Prayer and Love. Both key messages have been described. This description includes what is being communicated in each key message. A relevant example from Luke’s Gospel is used to support the description of both key messages.
The student has also connected the key message of love to the Catholic tradition through an explanation of the connection between the key message and the work and vision of the Catholic organisation St Vincent De Paul. This is part of the requirement for Merit.
For Merit, the student should connect both key messages (Love and Prayer) to the Catholic tradition, using examples from within the tradition (e.g. Church teaching, religious practice) to support the explanation.
For Merit, the student needs to explain how a significant narrative relates to a religious or spiritual tradition.
This involves explaining how the key messages from a significant narrative connect to a religious or spiritual tradition. Examples should be used to support the explanation.
This student has described the context of Matthew’s Gospel and two key messages from this narrative: Jesus as Teacher and Jesus as King. The student has explained how the key message of Jesus contained in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11) connect to the Catholic tradition by using a Catholic Social Teaching to support this explanation.
The student has also explained how the theme of Jesus as King connects to the Catholic Tradition following God’s will and building the Kingdom on earth by promoting Peace. An example from the Catechism is used to support this explanation.
For Excellence, the student could discuss how both key messages can be applied within the Catholic Tradition. For example, the work of the Catholic organisation Pax Christi Aotearoa could be used as an example to illustrate how Jesus’ Teachings promote peace-making in society in order to build the Kingdom.
For Excellence, the student needs to examine how a significant narrative relates to a religious or spiritual tradition
This involves discussing how key messages from a significant narrative are applied within a religious or spiritual tradition. Examples should be used to develop the explanations.
This student has described the origin of Luke’s Gospel and two key messages from this significant narrative: Love of God and neighbour and Forgiveness. The student has also explained how both key messages connect to the Catholic Tradition.
The student has discussed how the key message of Love of God and neighbour is applied through the work of Catholic organisations who live out this teaching. Examples from Caritas and St Vincent de Paul were integrated as examples into the discussion. Similarly, the student has discussed how the key message of forgiveness is applied within the Catholic tradition through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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