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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to comprehensively describe personal involvement in a social action related to rights and responsibilities.
This involves identifying more effective means of personal involvement to improve the social action in relation to the rights and responsibilities of those involved.
This student has comprehensively identified more effective means of personal involvement (1), such as being more committed to raising the money for the Red Cross, to improve the social action in relation to the rights and responsibilities (2) of those involved.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could identify more clearly how the effective means of personal involvement would improve the social action in relation to the rights and responsibilities of those involved.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to describe, in depth, personal involvement in a social action related to rights and responsibilities.
This involves describing the strength(s) and/or weakness(es) of personal involvement in relation to the rights and responsibilities of those involved.
This student has described, in depth, the strengths (1) and weaknesses (2) of their personal involvement, working in the Salvation Army foodbank, in relation to the rights and responsibilities of those involved (3).
To reach Excellence, the student could identify effective means of personal involvement to improve the social action in relation to the rights and responsibilities of those involved.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to describe, in depth, personal involvement in a social action related to rights and responsibilities.
This involves describing the strength(s) and/or weakness(es) of personal involvement in relation to the rights and responsibilities of those involved.
This student has described, in just enough, detail the strengths (1) and weaknesses (2) of their personal involvement in getting a speaker from the LGBTQ+ community to speak to the school, in relation to the rights and responsibilities of those involved (3).
For a more secure Merit, the student could provide more detailed information to describe the strengths and weaknesses of their personal involvement in relation to the rights and responsibilities of those involved.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to describe personal involvement in a social action related to rights and responsibilities.
This involves using social studies concepts and giving specific evidence to:
- describe the issue the social action relates to
- describe points of view, values and perspectives that relate to the social action and justify personal position
- develop a plan for the action that considers the rights and responsibilities of others
- give reasons for the action.
This student has used social studies concepts (8) and provided specific evidence (9) to describe the issue of poverty and affordable housing that the social action relates to (1). They have described the points of view (2), values (3) and perspectives (4) that relate to the social action of helping Habitat for Humanity and justified their personal position (5). They have developed a personal plan that considers the rights and responsibilities of others (6) and given reasons for the action (7).
To reach Merit, the student could describe the strengths and/or weaknesses of their personal involvement in relation to the rights and responsibilities of those involved.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to describe personal involvement in a social action related to rights and responsibilities.
This involves using social studies concepts and giving specific evidence to:
- describe the issue the social action relates to
- describe points of view, values and perspectives that relate to the social action and justify personal position
- develop a plan for the action that considers the rights and responsibilities of others
- give reasons for the action.
This student has provided social studies concepts (8) and some specific evidence (9) to describe the issue of a lack of Māori Tikanga being used in the school that the social action relates to (1). They have described points of view (2), and provided some evidence of values (3) and perspectives (4) that relate to the social action of teaching others Māori Tikanga to make it more widespread and briefly justified their personal position (5). They have developed a personal plan for the action that considers the rights and responsibilities of others (6) and given reasons for the action (7).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could:
- use more specific evidence
- provide a more detailed description of the values and perspectives that underpin the points of view
- provide more evidence of a justification of their personal position.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to describe personal involvement in a social action related to rights and responsibilities.
This involves using social studies concepts and giving specific evidence to:
- describe the issue the social action relates to
- describe points of view, values and perspectives that relate to the social action and justify personal position
- develop a plan for the action that considers the rights and responsibilities of others
- give reasons for the action.
This student has provided social studies concepts (5) and some specific evidence (6) to describe the issue of poverty in New Zealand, which the social action relates to (1). They have described the points of view that relate to the social action (2). They have developed a plan for the action that briefly considers the rights and responsibilities of others (3) and given reasons for the action (4).
To reach Achieved, the student could:
- describe values and perspectives that underpin the points of view that relate to the social action
- further consider the rights and responsibilities of others related to the social action
- justify their personal position
- include further specific evidence.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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