AS 92049 Annotated exemplars

Demonstrate understanding of perspectives on a contemporary social issue

Social Studies | Level 1
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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Level 1 Social Studies assessment resources (external link) -


92049 Exemplar Achieved (PDF | 74 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of perspectives on a contemporary social issue.

This involves describing a contemporary social issue and differing perspectives on it, how these influence people's viewpoints in relation to the issue, and a description of the differing responses in relation to these perspectives. Relevant evidence must be included.

This student has selected access to equitable education for disabled learners as their contemporary social issue. The description has been supported with evidence, such as quotations and statistics from a recent ERO report.

There is a description of two different perspectives – one humanitarian and one social. The evidence makes a connection between the perspectives and viewpoints held by the two selected individuals by describing what has influenced their perspective, and how this has influenced their values and actions. This is supported by relevant evidence, such as direct quotations and specific reference to the actions they have taken.

The different responses for both perspectives have also been described. The description of the humanitarian perspective (Trish Grant) better reflects the depth of evidence required by the standard.

For Merit, the explanation of the impacts should focus on the responses already discussed. For example, the evidence could have explained how Grant’s response of educating government officials on education for disabled students may have the impact of building understanding/awareness of the issue, thus potentially improving educational policy.


92049 Exemplar Merit (PDF | 75 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to explain perspectives on a contemporary social issue.

This involves discussing how differing perspectives have influenced responses in relation to the issue, and explaining the impacts of the responses to the issue. Evidence must be used to support the explanation.

This student has discussed two different perspectives – liberal progressive (the Green Party) and conservative (the National Party and Liam Hehir), and the discussion explains how the responses have been shaped by the perspectives. For example, the evidence gives reasons why Golriz Ghahraman introduced the Strengthening Democracy Member’s Bill as a response to the issue. The reasons for her response are linked to the liberal perspective values (the environment and accessible democracy) and points of view (giving 16-year-olds the right to vote would strengthen democracy).

Several impacts have been explained in relation to the responses. These include the government review on electoral law, political parties gaining or losing support from youth voters based on their stance on the issue, and how a change of law is unlikely if National/Act are the government.

For Excellence, the student could have developed an examination of the identified implications by considering the wider consequences for society. For example, the discussion could have considered how an increase in younger votes would shape the nature of political party policies to appeal to a younger demographic.   


92049 Exemplar Excellence (PDF | 105 KB)


For Excellence, the student needs to examine perspectives on a contemporary social issue.

This involves examining the implications on society of differing perspectives and responses in relation to the issue. Implications are the wider consequences for society. Evidence must be used to develop the explanation.

This student has examined two implications related to the social justice and conservative perspectives, and responses in relation to lowering the voting age.

The examination of the potential increase in youth political engagement reflects the depth of evidence expected at Excellence. For example, the implication of the potential increase is connected to wider society through a discussion on how a change in voter demographics could influence the issues that gain political attention. This examination links back to the earlier discussion around the social justice perspective, referencing the example set by the Makeit16 campaign and youth engagement in other social justice issues (such as LGBTQI+ rights).  

Evidence has been used throughout to develop the explanation. This takes the form of carefully selected quotations to support key ideas, appropriate use of statistical evidence, and detailed examples of actions taken by individuals which reflect their broader perspectives.

See all Social Studies assessment resources