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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective Spanish that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Effective Spanish will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is controlled and integrated, and by the capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
Effective Spanish is shown through providing reasons and justifying opinions, e.g. 'Mi consejo para otros es cuidar y beber alcohol responsablemente' (2), Escúchame, hay muchas razones por que debes pensar' (4) and ‘Quiero estar con una beca de futból y entonces no pagaré mucho dinero' (6), by connecting and linking past events with future and offering solutions (5), and by the student reflecting on their own experiences, e.g. ‘Ahora sueño con hacerme un jugador de futbol’ (8).
The writing shows capable selection and successful use of language, and logical flow and connection of ideas, e.g. ‘el alcohol puede causarte hacer cosas que no harías, lo cual es malo’ (1), ‘si estuviera en tu lugar, elegiría las asignaturas que son adecuados’ (5),‘cuando era niño, soñaba con hacerme un conductor de carreras’ (7).
For a more secure Excellence, there could be more consistent evidence of controlled and integrated sharing of ideas and opinions.
Furthermore, inconsistencies would have less impact on the delivery of the message,e.g. ‘me gustaría encontrarse’ (9) and ‘me diría deberías’ (10).
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective Spanish that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Convincing Spanish will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible, and by the connected and selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
Credible and connected development is shown by providing reasons for opinions e.g. ‘creo que se debe tener cuidado’ (1) and ‘cambiaría el limite de edad’ (4),andby bringing in other people’s opinions, e.g. ‘Según mis padres, deberías pensar acerca de tu futuro con cuidado’ (7).
There is capable selection and use of a range of language features that is fit for purpose and audience, e.g. ‘yo en tu lugar consideraría si quisiera una familia’ (9), and connection of ideas in a logical way, e.g.‘Se debe beber alcohol con tu familia o tus amigos porque si has bebido demasiado pueden ayudarte y llevarán al hospital’ (6).
To reach Excellence, there needs to be consistent evidence of credible and connected development (particularly in evidence C).
Also, inconsistencies would not interfere with communication, e.g. ‘detenería la gente’(3), ‘se puede entrar en coma porque de demasiado alcohol’ (2), ‘creo que investigar todas las opciones’ (8), ‘que cuando se bebe en moderación puede menos mal’ (5) and ‘estoy meyoria para que mis niňos admirarán a me, mis hermanos somos idiotas’ (10).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective Spanish that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Convincing Spanish will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible, and by the connected and selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
There is evidence of credible, connected development of ideas and information by providing opinions with reasons, e.g. ‘Hace una gran diferencia. ¡es la verdad!’ (3), ‘Para mi es importante hacer amigos, ser confidente’ (4) and ‘Por un lado, es necesario que ponga un montón de trabajo’ (9), by offering advice, e.g. ‘es importante que vayas con un grupo de amigos y quiero que seas confidente’(2), and byreflecting on the past,e.g. ‘El año pasado no llevé mi falta correcta’ (8).
Language features are sometimes selected and used appropriately, e.g. ‘para ver la película es necesario que entienda la idioma de español’ (10), with evidence of making links and references to what has been written before, e.g. ‘Como dije antes, deberías ver la película’ (12).
For a more secure Merit, there could be further evidence of development, e.g. an ability to express opinions rather than simply state facts.
Also, the inconsistencies will have less impact on communication of the message, e.g. ‘salvo cuando sientes’ (1), ‘ellos controlarlo’ (5), ‘otras estudiantes usted no sabes’ (6) and ‘olvidar sobre lo, como mi’ (7).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in Spanish that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
There is evidence of sharing opinions with reasons, e.g. ‘alcohol es muy peligroso, la mayoría de la gente no comprende los problemas ocasiona’ (1), ‘pienso que iré a la universidad’ (7), and offering advice and solutions, e.g. ‘yo creo que deberías ir a la universidad’ (5) and ‘Yo en tu lugar, empezaría’ (6).
The student uses a range of language that is fit for the purpose of the task and the audience, e.g. ‘se les deja beber’ (3), ’¿qué sera lo más practico, quedar o ir?’ (8) and ‘habré terminado la universidad’ (9), particularly in evidence B.
To reach Merit, communication would not be hindered by inconsistencies such as ‘porque te muertas’ (2), ‘tuvo volvio’ (10) and ‘me encantarse su vida’ (11).
Further, for Merit there will be additional evidence of development of the ideas, information and opinions. Additional evidence of essay structure would result in development which was connected and credible.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in Spanish that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student is able to express and justify ideas, providing advice on how to solve drinking problems, e.g. ‘para resolver el problema los padres tienen que enseñar a sus hijos sobre el alcohol’ (2), offering solutions for others, e.g. ‘si no querías, podrías estudiar en una Universidad’ (5), and giving information about future plans with a reason, e.g. ‘cuando termino el colegio quiero estudiar’ (6).
Language features are fit for purpose and audience, e.g. ‘En el año pasado un chico de diece-seis años, murió porque bebía una botella de vodka solo en una fiesta y no le dijo nada sus padres’ (1) and ‘también es muy joven y tiene mucho tiempo para mejorar su habilidades de fútbol’ (9).
For a more secure Achieved, inconsistencies would not hinder communication, e.g. ‘creo que tienes que pensaré mucho de su futuro’ (3), ‘cuando será veinte’ (7), ‘Porque queran una vida feliz y sana’ (4) and ‘es un modelo para chicos y chicas juegen futbol’ (8).
Further areas to consider, in order for the writing to sit securely at Achieved, are proofreading for grammatical inconsistencies (verb formation), avoiding repetition of ideas, developing a clear progression of ideas (the use of paragraphs and connectors), and including additional evidence of expressing and justifying opinions rather than simply stating facts.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in Spanish that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
In this exemplar there is some some evidence of communicating some information and ideas, e.g. ‘hoy en día los jovenes del muchos países beben demasiado alcohol’ (1), sharing some opinions, e.g. ‘En mi opinion creo que los jovenes deben beber pero en moderación’ (2), ‘Sin embargo pienso que no es justo’ (3) and ’lo me encantaría aprender’ (9).
Language features are sometimes selected appropriately, e.g. ‘Cuando era niña soñaba con hacerme princesa. Yo comprendí no me podría hacer una princesa’ (5), ‘Me veo como mi madre’ (11) and ‘Lo bueno es que es una buena experiencia dejar de mi casa’ (7).
To reach Achieved, communication would not be hindered by inconsistencies, e.g. ‘Beberan que dura todo el dia cada dia’ (4), ‘Deseo que voy a la universidad de Auckland y estudiar abogado’ (8), ‘Mi madre es el mayor hermanos. Tuvo una mayor hermana pero moriste’ (10) and ‘Se amo mi madre porque es muy divertido y bien’ (12).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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