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For Achieved, the student needs to communicate in Spanish for a chosen purpose.
This involves expressing information, ideas, and opinions relevant to the context, and referring to events or experiences in the present as well as the past or future. Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.
Note – This video was produced with a voice recording. For privacy reasons the verbal language presentation has been transcribed to text. Pronunciation issues may have had some impact on the grade awarded.
The student refers to different experiences/events. There is language to describe both her family and her school, and there is also some talk about what the future of music will be like in the years to come.
The student shows some mastery of talking about the past and future, e.g.
“Nací el 2008, el 16 de junio” and “Ahora voy a hablar mis objectos pongo en la cápsula de tiempo”.
For Merit, there would be additional evidence of mastery of a range of language appropriate to the level, and inconsistencies (e.g. pronunciation) would not significantly hinder communication. The student could talk about when she started learning music, what she felt when she first started playing an instrument, or if she is planning on learning other instruments in the future.
Achieved video
For Merit, the student needs to communicate capably in Spanish.
This involves using a range of language and building on aspects of the information, ideas, and opinions expressed. Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student refers to different experiences. They write about family, hobbies, and different ways to receive support from different people.
There is mastery of language to talk about past or future events/experiences as well as present, e.g. “mis padres me dejaron jugar por mi escuela” or “Después de que ella murió yo estuve muy triste por mucho tiempo. La pérdida de Mishka fue muy difícil para todos en mi familia”.
There is a range of language at the appropriate level, and information is built on with descriptions and reasons, e.g. “A veces creo que ella es molesta porque ella siempre me regaña por mi habitación sucia o notas mal, pero se ella hacer para enseñarme bueno valores”.
There is successful use of a range of language. However, some inconsistencies do impact on communication, e.g. “Nosotros vamos de vacaciones a Australia y Fiji, llegas y miran mi fútbol partidos, y me apoyan mi interés”.
For Excellence, the student needs to communicate skilfully in Spanish.
This involves using a range of language successfully and connecting the information, ideas, and opinions cohesively. Communication is not hindered by inconsistencies.
This student has communicated about different experiences. She shared information about the activities she likes doing (normally and during the holiday period), her holidays, and future plans after she finishes school.
The student’s successful choice of vocabulary demonstrates the ability to describe a situation and share a detailed opinion, e.g. “Me gusta ir a Londres e ir de compras, porque las tiendas son muy diferentes a las de Nueva Zelanda. Mi tienda favorita es Subdued, ya que me encanta la ropa de ahí. No me gustan las tiendas en Nueva Zelanda porque no son tan buenas como las tiendas de Europa”.
Successful use of language is also evident by the use of complex sentences to develop information and ideas, e.g. “Antes de ir a España no podía hablar mucho español porque he estado estudiando español desde hace solo tres años.”
The language is connected, e.g. each activity is introduced with connective phrases such as “Cuando termino la escuela…”, “Mientras que yo suelo…”, and “En el futuro…”
Language is used at the expected level, and skilfully flows from the present to talking about past or future events or experiences, e.g. “Hizo mucho calor, y tuvimos un tiempo fantástico durante las vacaciones.”
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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