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For Achieved, the student needs to communicate in Spanish for a chosen purpose.
This involves using relevant language to express information, ideas, and opinions relevant to the context, and referring to events or experiences in the present as well as the past or future. Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.
The student has communicated in Spanish to describe their town, referring to past, present and future events, e.g. “salté mucho, había mucha gente, que voy a hacer, para poder hacer snoboard”. They use a range of sentence types to build on information, e.g. “he vivido, en los que he estado, no sólo…sino también, que disfrutas.” However, errors in pronunciation and intonation hinder communication throughout, such as “Bien viendo, calle, mejor”, etc., and one sentence is unintelligible.
For Merit, the student would demonstrate further evidence of building on aspects of information and adding detail. There would be less impact on communication due to inconsistencies and errors in pronunciation and intonation, and more capable choice of vocabulary, for example distinguishing between “bien/bueno”.
Additionally, to meet the range of language criteria needed for Merit, there should be greater consistency in correct sentence structure, for example, “Es muy dinero in Qatar.”
Achieved video
For Merit, the student needs to communicate capably in Spanish to communicate for a chosen purpose.
This involves using a range of language and building on aspects of information, ideas, and opinions expressed. Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student has communicated capably and confidently in Spanish, using a range of language and building on aspects of the information provided, e.g. “También me gusta vivir en Wanaka porque se siente en hogar. Todo está tan cerca y la gente es increíble” and “Nadar hasta el pontoon es una necesidad cuando está en Wanaka, te hará sentir con local.”
They consistently provide details, such as “Me gusta nadar en el lago, pero solamente en verano porque es demasiado frío ahora”, and refer to past and future events, “Ayer fui a esquiar y la nieve era fresca y las vistas eran tan hermosas.”
For Excellence, the student could connect information, ideas, and opinions more cohesively across the presentation, for example by connecting the different activities she describes. There would be fewer errors in pronunciation which impact on communication, for example “cuidad/ciudad, véras/verás, le gustare, adragable/agradable” etc.
To fit the criteria for successful use of a range of language there would also be fewer inconsistencies in vocabulary choice and word order, e.g. “Quiero ser actor” (gender), and “La mujer ropa” respectively.
Merit video
For Excellence, the student needs to communicate skilfully in Spanish for a chosen purpose.
This involves using a range of language successfully and connecting information, ideas, and opinions cohesively. Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
This student has consistently connected ideas, and cohesively builds and enriches the information given, e.g. “Usualmente hay muchos turistas, lo cual es malo porque se vuelve muy concurrido, pero los necesitamos para la economía.”
Past, present and future are referred to using more complex structures, e.g. “Me ha encantado Wanaka desde que me mudé aquí” and “Yo esquiaba mucho pero ahora no es tan divertido para mi. Sin embargo, voy a probar al snowboard porque quiero aprender los trucos.”
There is no hindering of communication throughout, and the student demonstrates a natural delivery of information, using language which meets level 6 of the New Zealand Curriculum. A wide range of vocabulary is used successfully, both for connecting ideas, e.g. “por ejemplo, sin embargo, de todos modos” and detailing, “magnifico, empeorará, justamente, todavia”. The evidence submitted is of an appropriate length to meet the suggested intention for quality over quantity.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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