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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to whakarongo kia mātau ki te reo o te ao torotoro.
This involves:
- ka mātau ki ngā topehatanga o te kōrero
- ka mau te tikanga, te pūtake hoki o te kōrero
- ka māmā te whai i te ia o te kōrero.
This student has demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of the meaning and purpose of the evidence of one of the three tasks required.
Responses include detailed information (1) which are sometimes supported with evidence (2).
The student is able to detect subtleties, such as the reason Hīria was sent away to boarding school and its effect on her (3). The underlying messages of some whakataukī are understood and explained in the context of the situation, for example Hīria notices that she is not as assured as her sister when she attends events at her marae (4).
Rehutai knows that the distant mountain is being used as a metaphor for the hard work needed to attain the goal of becoming a doctor (5).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could identify more detail to show a comprehensive understanding, for example Summer needs to be identified as the time for happiness, fun and parties (6). Although Nīkora correctly identifies that drilling will affect Tangaroa, the consequence that the water may become polluted needed to be identified.
Note: A minimum of two assessment tasks are expected for this standard. The overall grade is determined holistically, considering all of the evidence. The student needs to show that they are working consistently at the level.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to whakarongo kia mārama ki te reo o te ao torotoro.
This involves ka mārama ki te kiko o te kōrero.
This student has demonstrated a clear understanding of the listening passage by identifying the main ideas and some more detailed information. For example, in Wahanga Tuatahi the reason for her father’s early leaving of school is given (1).
Hīria gets jealous hearing her sister speaking to her grandparents in Te Reo (2) but while she wants an education she is concerned how this ambition may negatively affect her own cultural knowledge (3).
A detailed explanation of all whakataukī are given with expanation and examples. The student has shown understanding of each proverb in the context that was used (4) (5).
To reach Excellence, the student could identify additional finer details and subtleties to demonstrate a clear understanding of the listening passage. For example, more detail could have been included showing how Rehutai’s understands the need to find work outside her community in order to save money towards studying medicine (6).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to whakarongo kia mārama ki te reo o te ao torotoro.
This involves ka mārama ki te kiko o te kōrero.
This student has identified the main ideas and some specific detail which shows a clear understanding of the meaning of the passage. For example, Nikora’s preferences at school (1). This is supported with evidence from the text (2).
Most proverbs have been translated, and their relevance for each person is explained, for example Hīria’s feelings on returning to her home marae (3). This is relevant for Hīria as she expresses her state of mind when she returns to her home marae (4).
For a more secure Merit, the student would need to give more precise responses that show a clear understanding. For example, it is foreigners and not strangers who want to drill for oil (5).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to Whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo o te ao torotoro.
This involves ka whai i te ia o te kōrero.
This student has identified enough main ideas to demonstrate an overall understanding of the listening passage, for example in Wahanga Tuatahi all the relevant information about Hiria’s feelings about attending boarding are given (1).
Some responses contain some examples of detailed information at Merit level, for example the reasons why Rehutai’s friends do not want her to leave home in the summer (2). The meaning of the proverb is explained, as well as its relevance to Hīria and her feelings about her marae (3).
To reach Merit, the student could show a clear understanding of the text by consistently and accurately identifying the main ideas, and giving some more detailed information. This student has identified that Rehutai’s wants to follow her dream to go to university, but needs to give additional evidence on the reasons she thinks it will be worth the struggle (for example, although a university education will be expensive and difficult it will be worth it when she has a high paying and important job).
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo o te ao torotoro.
This involves ka whai i te ia o te kōrero.
This student has identified enough main ideas to demonstrate an overall understanding of the listening passage. For example, they have identified the key differences in the schooling beween the sisters (1). Hīria feels jealous that her sister can speak Māori to her grandparents and is comfortable at their marae (2).
While the literal meaning of the whakataukī is not identified, there is an attempt to explain the meaning. The marae is a place to learn culture (3).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could show understanding by identifying more main ideas, and use examples from the listening text to support their responses. For example, Nīkora’s ambitions to be Head boy and an All Black need more supporting reasons (4). Nīkora is highly regarded by adults, and he has shown leadership in the classroom and on the sports field.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo o te ao torotoro.
This involves ka whai i te ia o te kōrero.
This student has identified some main ideas for each person, for example Hīria’s schooling (1) (2), and Nikora’s ambition to be Head Boy next year and an All Black in the future (3).
To reach Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate an overall understanding of the main ideas. Responses require further detail, for example Nikora’s family are concerned about foreigners wanting to drill in their tribal waters.
There needs to be a greater accuracy with responses to show understanding of the texts. For example, Nikora is worried that drilling may pollute the local waters (4). The use of Māori words in English sentences does not show understanding of the passage. For example, 'the water is whakaparu' (5). Responses need to be in English to ensure comprehension is demonstrated.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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