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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to waihanga tuhinga whai hua i te reo Māori o te ao whānui.
This involves:
- ka kōtui i ngā whakaaro kia tika, kia whai take
- ka whakamahi i ngā nuka reo kia whakapakepake, kia mau ai te hunga pānui
- he autaia te tuhinga.
This student has produced an effective fictional account of a prison escape set during the New Zealand Wars.
The student has produced writing that is controlled and holds the attention of the audience. The imaginary account is assured and the style is appropriate for a narrative tale. The student builds tension with a deliberate and controlled integration of the setting of the scene (1), action (2), dialogue (3) and a resolution (4).
Language has been deliberately selected for its dramatic effect, e.g. whakamōti, and taurewa (5). The use of dialogue makes the character of Rewi come to life. The reaction of Rewi who initially turns down the offer of aid, and the use of kīwaha “kaua e ūpoko māro” (6) helps to paint a picture of his personality.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could have included additional details such as the reason for the imprisonment. The use of additional language features such as metaphor or simile would paint a more detailed picture. An appropriate whakataukī might have added drama to the conclusion as the group disappear into the night (7).
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to waihanga tuhinga whai kiko i te reo Māori o te ao whānui.
This involves:
- ka honohono i ngā whakaaro
- ka āta whakamahi i ngā nuka reo kia tika te whakatakoto
- ka whakamahi i ngā kupu me ngā momo rerenga kōrero kia mārama kehokeho, ka whakawhere te tuhinga ki te hunga pānui.
This student has produced a letter to the Prime Minister about the need for improving heating in state houses that is clear and convincing.
The letter is well structured, opening with a vivid description of a damp house and its potential health dangers for families (1). A solution is suggested (2) and the letter concludes with language that has been carefully selected to support the persuasive intent of the writer. For example, if the matter is not resolved, it will result in death (3).
There is a controlled use of language features to support the persuasive intent of the writing. For example, the use of kīwaha to strongly react to a government statement about state houses (4). The reaction is further strengthened with the use of a negative ‘e kore au e whakaae...’ (5).
To reach Excellence, the student could provide more supporting evidence. While strong emotional statements are made and explained, supporting data would strengthen the point of view.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to waihanga tuhinga whai kiko i te reo Māori o te ao whānui.
This involves:
- ka honohono i ngā whakaaro
- ka āta whakamahi i ngā nuka reo kia tika te whakatakoto
- ka whakamahi i ngā kupu me ngā momo rerenga kōrero kia mārama kehokeho, ka whakawhere te tuhinga ki te hunga pānui.
This student has presented a point of view about teenage health that is clear and convincing for the intended audience.
The chosen issues are clearly stated and presented in a structured manner. Relevant ideas are expressed and developed with an explanation and examples (1). Ideas are linked with a variety of connecting phrases (2).
There is evidence the student has reflected on the information to form their own opinion. Language has been used in a convincing manner to support the point of view (3).
Language features have been used in a deliberate manner in places. For example (4) and the use of ‘taniwha’ as a metaphor (5). A whakataukī has been manipulated to the support the writer’s point of view (6).
For a more secure Merit, the student could strengthen the argument by explaining some of the evidence further. For example, while information was given there could be an indication of its source (7). Additional information could be provided for some of the points raised. For example, the connection between McDonalds and diabetes (8) could be explained.
A clearer introduction outlining the purpose of the writing and/or identifying the target audience could be included.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to waihanga tuhinga whai take i te reo Māori o te ao whānui.
This involves:
- ka whakawhanake i ngā whakaaro e hāngai ana ki te momo tuhinga, ki te kaupapa hoki
- ka whakamahi i ngā nuka reo e hāngai ana ki te pūtake o te kaupapa, ki te hunga pānui.
This student has produced a flyer about a hypothetical public health scare. A range of relevant information is provided. For example, the key message not to drink tap water is highlighted and explained (1). Guidance is provided on the steps to follow if a person becomes unwell (2).
Language features support the intent of the writing. For example, the use of imperatives i.e. ‘kaua e…’ (1), and the conditional tense ‘if’ and ‘if not’ (3) to engage the reading audience. The use of the whakataukī supports the intent of the writing (4).
To reach Merit, the student could further develop and link ideas that support the nature of the flyer, such as describing potential symptoms. Language could be more consistently accurate.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to waihanga tuhinga whai take i te reo Māori o te ao whānui.
This involves:
- ka whakawhanake i ngā whakaaro e hāngai ana ki te momo tuhinga, ki te kaupapa hoki
- ka whakamahi i ngā nuka reo e hāngai ana ki te pūtake o te kaupapa, ki te hunga pānui.
This student has researched and presented some relevant information about the history of te reo Māori.
A range of language initiatives are mentioned such as Kōhanga Reo, Ataarangi and Te Taura Whiri (1).
Information given on the Māori language petition is developed through the use of relevant details such as the reasons for the petition, an outline of events and the subsequent outcome (2).
Some language features have been used. For example, a whakataukī and kīwaha relevant to the context were selected (3).
For a more secure Achieved, the student needs to further develop ideas. For example, while the year that Māori Television was established is given (4) additional information needs to be provided to explain the significance. Factual information is provided, however at this curriculum level students should be able to also express an informed personal opinion, reflection or summary on the topic.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to waihanga tuhinga whai take i te reo Māori o te ao whānui.
This involves:
- ka whakawhanake i ngā whakaaro e hāngai ana ki te momo tuhinga, ki te kaupapa hoki
- ka whakamahi i ngā nuka reo e hāngai ana ki te pūtake o te kaupapa, ki te hunga pānui.
This student has researched and presented some information about Wiremu Ratana. Biographical details are given in a chronological order.
There is some use of appropriate language features. For example, the appropriate use of metaphor to describe the death of Rātana (1).
To reach Achieved, the student needs to clarify the purpose of the writing. For example, is the focus Rātana the person or the Rātana movement? The information selected should support the intent of the writing. For example, while the post office is mentioned, its significance is not explained (2).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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