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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate comprehensive understanding of advanced concepts used in manufacturing. This involves discussing how and why quality management techniques have been important in changing manufacturing practices.
This student discusses the origins of the Toyota Production System (1), and how the system has progressively evolved to adapt to domestic and international political and economic considerations. Examples include post-war economic recovery, globalisation and environmental restrictions (2).
Quality management procedures at the Toyota Australia plant in Melbourne are discussed in detail, including the reasons for the company decision to discontinue domestic manufacturing (3).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could strengthen the discussion by comparing and contrasting management strategies in the development and operation of the Toyota Australia car manufacturing plant and that of another factory (for example, the Mercedes-Benz Astros truck factory in Europe).
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of advanced concepts used in manufacturing. This involves explaining how quality management techniques have impacted on a manufacturing process.
This student focuses on the car manufacturing industry, and in particular the paint shop area to explain the impacts of new technologies and techniques on processes (1). For example, they explain quality and environmental safety improvements as a result of developments in dip primers and electro-deposition (2).
The ‘clean room’ innovation (3) and the use of robots (4), and how these quality management techniques have impacted on the car manufacturing process, is explained.
The student also explains how the influences of drivers related to water wastage (5) and recycling paint residue (6) have led to the development of quality management techniques that have positively impacted on the car manufacturing process.
The importance of both active and passive safety design innovation, and how this has impacted on the car manufacturing process, is also explained (7).
To reach Excellence, the student could show more evidence of discussing why these quality management techniques have been important in changing manufacturing techniques.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of advanced concepts used in manufacturing. This involves explaining how quality management techniques have impacted on a manufacturing process.
The student explains the impacts of lean manufacturing and continuous improvement quality management techniques on satisfying individual customer needs at the Mercedes Benz truck manufacturing plant (1) and Toyota’s Altona car manufacturing plant (2).
The origins and impacts of the Toyota Production System (TPS) are explained. This includes explaining how the goal of creating a smooth, continuous and optimal flow of work to meet customer demand was achieved through an inventory control system (3).
The student also explains how the Toyota Production System encourages workers to take an active role in quality control (4). The strategic importance of the andon cord system (as a means to notify of quality, process and safety problems on the production line) is explained (5).
For a more secure Merit, the student could explain a broader range of aspects of the development work in similar detail.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of advanced concepts used in manufacturing.
This involves:
- explaining how safety issues were addressed in a manufacturing process
- identifying the impacts of new technologies and/or techniques on the suitability of different types of manufacturing systems and increased possibilities for quality control
- identifying the influences of customer, social and environmental drivers on priorities within a manufacturing process.
This student demonstrates understanding of advanced concepts used in manufacturing by focussing on the impacts of the Toyota Production System (TPS) used within Toyota vehicle manufacturing facilities (1). This includes explaining the impact of time planning (2) and product flexibility (3) on the manufacturing process (4).
The explanation includes how Toyota is able to address safety issues immediately through quality checking of visible processes (5). The link between safety and quality is made clear when the student explains the international quality assurance recognition that Toyota’s Altona plant has received (7).
The student specifically identifies the influences of customer, social and environmental drivers on monitoring harmful CO2 emissions (6).
The influence of new technologies and techniques on the TPS and increased possibilities for quality control through consideration of ergonomic factors and overall health and safety is identified (8).
To reach Merit, the student could explain the impact of the quality management techniques that have been described (for example, process improvement, built in quality checking) on the manufacturing process.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of advanced concepts used in manufacturing.
This involves:
- explaining how safety issues were addressed in a manufacturing process
- identifying the impacts of new technologies and/or techniques on the suitability of different types of manufacturing systems and increased possibilities for quality control
- identifying the influences of customer, social and environmental drivers on priorities within a manufacturing process.
This student explains the safety ethic underpinning vehicle manufacturing at Toyota’s Altona plant (2) and their goal of no accidents within the working environment (3). The benefits seen in creating a comfortable and reflective working environment are explained (4).
Impacts of new technologies and techniques on the Altona plants and increased possibilities for quality control are identified (5). These include stamping machines (6), robotic assisted processes (7) (8) (9), and technologies/techniques within the painting, engine building and the assembly systems (10-13).
The need for a quality job is reinforced through quality gates (14), the andon cord system (15) and an end-point quality control check (16).
The student explains the ongoing innovation to enhance driver safety, and the link to the need for a skilled work force and sound product control measures (17).
Some local and international influences leading to decisions on manufacturing profitability of Australian-based car manufacturing are identified (18) (19), and the announcement of Toyota’s planned closure is detailed (1) (20).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could provide more examples of specific technological innovations and/or details of management procedures relating to the Toyota Production System.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of advanced concepts used in manufacturing.
This involves:
- explaining how safety issues were addressed in a manufacturing process
- identifying the impacts of new technologies and/or techniques on the suitability of different types of manufacturing systems and increased possibilities for quality control
- identifying the influences of customer, social and environmental drivers on priorities within a manufacturing process.
This student reports on the production process for the Mercedes-Benz Astros semi-trailer truck at the Wörth am Rheinfactory (1).
New technologies and techniques for assembly processes are identified (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20), including those for different models being produced simultaneously on the same lines (9) (10).
Influences on priorities within the manufacturing process include speedy and cost-efficient transportation (21), design changes to meet regulatory requirements to minimise the environmental impact of the trucks (15), and a focus on individualised customising of the interior of the cab (2) (18) (22) (23).
Some explanation of how safety issues are addressed has been given (6) (7) (18).
To reach Achieved, the student could explain in more detail how safety issues had been addressed in the design of the new model of truck and its manufacturing processes and in the driver training programme hosted by the factory’s customer centre.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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