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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to implement complex procedures to process a specified product.
This involves implementing complex procedures in a manner that economises time, effort, and materials, taking into account yield and cost.
This student has implemented complex procedures to process a gluten free, vegan cheesecake.
The assessor has attested to the student’s ability to execute the complex procedures relating to making the gluten free base, plant-based custard, vegan jelly and carob coating in a manner that economises time, effort and materials, taking into account yield and cost (1).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could have ensured that all the processes carried out economised effort. For example, providing evidence of consistently using the preplanned flowchart and ensuring that all tests and trials were relevant and purposeful.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to skilfully implement complex procedures to process a specified product.
This involves showing independence and accuracy when executing complex procedures, and predicting costs and comparing actual and predicted costs per unit of finished product.
This student has skilfully implemented complex procedures to process a ragu filling, bechamel sauce and pasta sheets for a beef lasagna.
The student has evaluated how testing helped them to work independently (1) and accurately (2). For example, by comparing techniques they realised that hand kneading required a lot of physical effort compared to the chosen thermomixer method. This reduced the waste of ingredients allowing for more accurate prediction of costs.
The student used an Excel spreadsheet to accurately predict the cost of each portion of lasagne, and then to compare the predicted (3) with actual (4) costs per unit of the finished product. This has included a detailed breakdown of labour and energy costs.
Independence and accuracy have also been attested to by the assessor in the assessment schedule (5).
To reach Excellence, the student could have shown how they executed all three procedures for the lasagna in a manner that economised time, ingredients and effort, taking in to account the yield and the cost.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to skilfully implement complex procedures to process a specified product.
This involves showing independence and accuracy when executing complex procedures, and predicting costs and comparing actual and predicted costs per unit of finished product.
This student has implemented complex procedures by combining and manipulating ingredients to process profiteroles from choux pastry with a custard filling and chocolate glaze.
The assessor has attested to the student’s independence and accuracy when implementing the complex procedures (1).
The student has compared predicted and actual costs for the choux pastry per unit (2).
While teacher observations show that the student worked independently and accurately when processing the profiteroles, a more secure Merit would require additional evidence of predicted costs and actual costs of all components of the specified product. These predictions should be made prior to testing, which would allow for a more accurate comparison between predicted and actual costs per finished profiterole ahead of final production.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to implement complex procedures to process a
specified product.
This involves:
- creating a flow diagram showing interactions between processing operations and tests
- executing processing operations and tests in accordance with the steps in
the flow diagram - modifying processing operations in response to testing feedback
- undertaking accurate testing using replicate measurements
- explaining processing operations and how reliable test feedback can be
used to inform choice of processing operations, equipment, time, - temperature and/or techniques for processing the product
- calculating yield
- calculating actual financial costs per unit
- developing and implementing a health and safety plan and a quality
assurance plan.
This student has implemented complex procedures to process profiteroles and creme patisserie for a croquembouche.
They have created (1), tested (2) and modified (3) a flow diagram for both preparing the different components and assembly of the final product. Processing operations and tests were carried out in accordance with final flow diagram, which was modified as a result of testing feedback.
The student has undertaken accurate testing by using replicate measurements, e.g. randomly measuring item-to-item variation for the profiteroles and the custard and repeating the same test in a second production run (2, 4).
This testing has enabled the student to explain their chosen operations for processing and testing. It also informed their choices of equipment, time, temperature and/or techniques, e.g. dipping a finger in water and pressing down on the dough to remove peaks, and using the larger size piping nozzle (5).
The yield has been calculated by the student determining the total cost of all resources, and then dividing this by units produced to calculate actual unit cost (6).
A HACCP plan has also been written, which includes a quality assurance plan for testing. (7)
To reach Merit, evidence of predicting costs and actual costs to compare and identify any differences is required. This should include the cost of labour and energy.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to implement complex procedures to process a
specified product.
This involves:
- creating a flow diagram showing interactions between processing operations and tests
- executing processing operations and tests in accordance with the steps in
the flow diagram - modifying processing operations in response to testing feedback
- undertaking accurate testing using replicate measurements
- explaining processing operations and how reliable test feedback can be
used to inform choice of processing operations, equipment, time, - temperature and/or techniques for processing the product
- calculating yield
- calculating actual financial costs per unit
- developing and implementing a health and safety plan and a quality
assurance plan.
This student has implemented complex procedures to process eggs benedict.
They have created a flow diagram that shows the interaction between the processing operations required to make muffins, poach the eggs and make the hollandaise sauce. They have executed processing operations and tests in accordance with the steps in the diagram (1).
The student has undertaken accurate testing using replicate measurements. For example, they have randomly measured item-to-item variation for the muffins, and repeated this testing in a second production run (2).
A brief explanation has been given for how the processing operations and testing feedback informed choices of equipment, time, temperature and technique for processing the components of the eggs benedict (3).
The student has used the weight of all raw ingredients and the weight of the end product to determine the total cost of all resources, and they have divided this by units produced to calculate actual unit cost (4).
A HACCP plan has also been written, which includes a quality assurance plan for testing (5).
For a more secure Achieved grade, further explanation is required of how testing feedback informed selections of time and temperature for processing muffins and hollandaise sauce.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to implement complex procedures to process a
specified product.
This involves:
- creating a flow diagram showing interactions between processing operations and tests
- executing processing operations and tests in accordance with the steps in
the flow diagram - modifying processing operations in response to testing feedback
- undertaking accurate testing using replicate measurements
- explaining processing operations and how reliable test feedback can be
used to inform choice of processing operations, equipment, time, - temperature and/or techniques for processing the product
- calculating yield
- calculating actual financial costs per unit
- developing and implementing a health and safety plan and a quality
assurance plan.
This student has implemented complex procedures to process profiteroles.
They have created a flow diagram that shows the interaction between processing operations required to make the choux pastry and custard (1).
The student has undertaken processing operations and tests in accordance with steps in the diagram (2), and modified processing operations in response to testing feedback (3).
Replicate testing relating to making the profiterole has also been undertaken (2, 4). For example, the student has taken random samples from one production run and tested them for desired crispiness and size. They have then repeated the same test on a different production run.
The weight of all raw ingredients and the weight of the end product have been used to determine the total cost of all resources. This was divided by units produced to calculate actual cost per profiterole (5).
A health and safety plan (6) and a quality assurance plan (7) has been developed and implemented.
To secure an Achieved grade, additional testing between two batches of the choux pastry recipe would have helped to ensure that properties identified in the quality control and specifications could be met. This replication would test whether the desired properties can be seen in samples from both batches.
Additional explanation of how testing feedback was used to inform selection of equipment, time and techniques is also required.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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