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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to produce a resolved work that demonstrates facility with skills appropriate to cultural conventions.
This involves the easy and ready control with which skills are applied, appropriate to an identified cultural convention.
The student has produced a resolved animation that maintains a strong narrative pace with varied action to maintain viewer interest.
The relatively simple software is managed well to create convincing movement of the central character. Frame by frame viewing reveals that the movement of the human figure is well understood.
The animation employs the conventions of video games, such as the points total changing. The credits and soundtrack are successfully integrated into the narrative and support the storyline well.
Humour is effective, with the central character expressing surprise at the inconsistencies of the gaming context such as the bear head appearing out of nowhere.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could move beyond the limitations of the software to incorporate more sophisticated visual effects.
A more complex storyline could also provide greater opportunity for the student to demonstrate convincing facility of conventions appropriate to the video context. A more secure Excellence submission would also provide more complete production credits at the end of the work.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to produce a resolved work that demonstrates sustained control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions.
This involves the consistent management of processes, procedures, materials and techniques, appropriate to an identified cultural convention.
The student has produced a claymation, with a resolved narrative that is well suited to the short timeframe and technical constraints of the claymation process. The use of a variety of materials and techniques creates visual interest.
The story contains a strong sense of pace and humour with a clear initial setup, main action sequence, and surprise finish. The video includes appropriate title and credit conventions.
To reach Excellence, the student could achieve smoother movement in the camera zoom and claymation sections.
The credits (removed from the video for confidentiality reasons) indicate that the Mission Impossible soundtrack is intended to accompany this animation. This highly appropriate choice would enhance the overall effect sufficiently to move the sample into the Excellence grade range.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to produce a resolved work that demonstrates sustained control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions.
This involves the consistent management of processes, procedures, materials and techniques appropriate to an identified cultural convention.
The student has produced a stop motion video that presents an internally consistent narrative with a clear beginning, middle, and end. The soundtrack is generated specifically for the video from a variety of recorded (ADR audio dialog recording) and recorded sound effects that relate directly to particular visual actions.
The student uses digital techniques to integrate photographic and drawn elements which reference to comic (Batman) and video game (Street Fighter) conventions. The choreography is plausible with a variety of moves and effects being created.
The student uses a range of camera angles to maintain visual interest and momentum. The editing transitions between camera viewpoints present sustained control by maintaining continuity and pace.
For a more secure Merit, the student could include controlled lighting to enhance the drama of the narrative rather than using ambient light. Further consideration of the environment may also benefit the outcome, e.g. by removing objects that distract the viewer’s attention from the principle narrative. Alternatively, the actors could interact with props by throwing objects or jumping over the couches.
The sustained control of conventions required for Merit would also mean that the video includes a title and credits.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to produce a resolved work that demonstrates control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions.
This involves the ability to manage media according to an intention that is consistent with an identified cultural convention.
The student has created a resolved work that plays on the contrast between low-tech production methods and a high-tech theme, i.e. using post-it notes as computer pixels. An element of humour is created by this ironic contradiction.
The story references a number of early computer games including Pong and Tetris and then the on-screen pixels move into the real world. The student uses conceptual and technical devices to create an ambiguity between on-screen and off-screen worlds.
Control of technical conventions is demonstrated through the timing of movement which is reasonably well controlled to maintain pace and variety. The music soundtrack is supplemented with computer audio elements that are well related to the narrative. The video includes an appropriate title and end graphic.
To reach Merit, the student could increase the number of frames per second to reduce the ‘jerkiness’ of the movement. Tighter framing may reduce the large amount of ‘dead’ space on either side of the main action.
The student could also select a more appropriate filter that contributes more explicitly to the computer pixellation theme.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to produce a resolved work that demonstrates control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions.
This involves the ability to manage media according to an intention that is consistent with an identified cultural convention.
The student has successfully integrated, real time, stop motion and hand drawn animation techniques to create a video. This demonstrates control of a variety of technical conventions.
The narrative includes a clear beginning, middle and end. An element of surprise is created with the unexpected consequence of the human interaction with the drawing. An appropriate soundtrack signals the magical phase of the story which contributes to, rather than distracting from, the narrative.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could reconsider the camera position to eliminate the extraneous elements on the left that tend to distract the viewers’ attention.
More consistent control of camera techniques could be demonstrated by more fluid movement of the human figures.
A more secure Achieved work would also include other conventions appropriate to the video context such as an opening title and end credits.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to produce a resolved work that demonstrates control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions.
This involves the ability to manage media according to an intention that is consistent with an identified cultural convention.
The student has produced a 22 second video that has a clear beginning, middle and end. There is an element of humour with the cars drifting a little at the middle corner.
The technical convention of camera tracking has been used to follow the cars around the course. The video also includes appropriate credits at the end (removed from the video for confidentiality reasons).
To reach Achieved, the student could increase the number of frames per second to reduce the jerkiness of the car motion. The student should also eliminate distracting intrusions such as the hand occurring in the bottom left corner (8th second).
To reach Achieved at Level 2, for the work to be considered resolved the student would need to show greater consideration of props and setting, and develop a more complex storyline. For example, the cars could be more clearly differentiated through design or colour, while various race sub-plots could be incorporated into the action.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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