AS 91293 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91293: Demonstrate understanding of livestock reproductive techniques in commercial production in New Zealand

Clarification details

Updated May 2015. This document has been updated in its entirety to address new issues that have arisen from moderation.

Key messages for demonstrating understanding

  • A minimum of two management practices are required at Achieved and Merit levels.
  • Not all steps are required, but the student should have the majority.
  • Students need to relate the structure of the livestock reproductive system to each reproductive technique. For Merit level, the student needs to relate to the livestock reproductive system and the hormonal control relevant to each reproductive technique.
  • For Excellence, justifying needs to be done with all of the following; quantity, genetic potential, timing, and the economics of production. The answers will depend on the techniques chosen, and not all are equal. There will be aspects that are more important than others and therefore require greater focus.
  • It is best practice for students to reference where they have sourced their information from.
    Inductions as a reproductive management technique in New Zealand dairy herds will not be permitted from spring 2015. This needs to be taken into consideration when selecting reproductive techniques in 2015.

See all Agricultural and Horticultural Science clarifications