AS 91241 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91241: Demonstrate geographic understanding of an urban pattern

Clarification details

Updated December 2017. This document has been updated to reflect the change from “explaining” to “describing” the urban pattern - version 3 of the standard.

How to define the extent of the city needed as the case study

One city must be selected as a case study, and whether the focus is just on the Central Business District (CBD) or the larger urban area will be determined by the context selected. For example, with an urban pattern of graffiti, the CBD alone could be a sufficient area; however, with an urban pattern of transport networks, the greater urban area would be needed.

Students could be encouraged to show the pattern and a variation with appropriate maps of the city, graphs, timelines, etc.

Key aspects of the standard

There are two key aspects with this standard:

  • the pattern and circumstances/factors that contribute to it
  • a variation in the pattern and circumstances/factors that contribute to it.

It is important that the assessment task clearly identifies both of these aspects.

Both spatial and temporal patterns can be used at this level. When describing a pattern, students should be encouraged to use appropriate terminology, for example, spatial patterns could be identified as concentrated or dispersed, and temporal patterns identified as constant or cyclic.

Case study evidence, geographic concept, terminology and insight

Case study evidence needs to be detailed and integrated into the explanation to support all parts of the response.

One geographic concept relevant to the urban pattern needs to be explicit throughout the response. At Merit and Excellence, students need to demonstrate an ability to apply and integrate a geographic concept.

Students should be using geographic terminology to demonstrate their understanding of urban geography.

Insight (required for Excellence) can be apparent through the way the geographic concept is integrated, the linking of factors/circumstances which clearly demonstrates a causal relationship, and/or an understanding of the pattern that identifies both relevant spatial and/or temporal aspects.

See all Geography clarifications