AS 91247 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91247: Apply spatial analysis, with guidance, to solve a geographic problem

Clarification details

Updated May 2015. This clarification has been updated to address issues that have arisen from moderation.

The geographic problem must have a spatial dimension. It can be a hypothetical scenario, but it must be based on genuine ‘real’ data. It is advantageous for students if the problem is phrased as a question to answer. Students have been most successful when using a local setting.

The Conditions of Assessment provide guidance in relation to the input from the teacher relating to topic selection, provision of resources and use of geospatial technologies.

The collection of sufficient spatial data

Although teachers will provide resources, students need to select what and how much data is required to solve the geographic problem. Sufficiency of spatial data does not relate to volume. The student should demonstrate an ability to select the most relevant data to arrive at an appropriate solution, from the resources provided or collected.

Completing manipulations to produce a layout

A range of manipulations are listed in Explanatory Note 3 of the standard. The accuracy of the layout relates to both the appropriate geographic conventions being applied and precision of the data manipulations.

Evidence of the manipulations, as presented by the layout, should be logically planned to support problem solving. More than one manipulation may be combined to show more accurate and effective results of the manipulations in relation to the problem.

Students must be aware that the orientation, scale and key available on many images may need to be modified or added once a screen shot has been cropped or manipulated.

Explaining an appropriate/valid solution to the geographic problem

The proposed solution must be based on the manipulations and explained using supporting evidence from the layout. An appropriate solution required for Achieved and Merit can be interpreted as ‘what might work’, whereas a valid solution needed for Excellence can be interpreted as ‘what should work’. A valid solution will demonstrate deeper understanding of the environment and context.

See all Geography clarifications