AS 91333 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91333: Analyse the application of risk management strategies to a challenging outdoor activity

Clarification details

Updated February 2025. The 'relevance of identified risks' section has been updated to address issues seen in moderation.  

Selection of a challenging outdoor activity 

The context for this standard should be a challenging outdoor activity where a student is required to demonstrate personal competence in a managed perceived risk situation. Refer to Explanatory Note 6 to see what these may include.  

Personal application of risk management strategies 

Risk management strategies must be applied by the student as they relate to the challenging outdoor activity.  

Relevance of identified risks 

The risks selected by the student/teacher should be relevant and meaningful to the challenging outdoor activity.   

The submission of risk assessment forms, SOPs, safety management systems or plans can be used as planning tools and to identify the relevant risks.

For Merit and Excellence, student responses must explain in detail/evaluate how and why the risk management strategies are relevant to the identified risk(s). This should include evidence that the most relevant strategies have been applied and explained in relation to the activity. 

Analysing risk management strategies 

Student responses must provide an explanation that includes: 

  • a clearly identified risk  
  • what the risk management strategy is 
  • how and why each risk management strategy is applied 
  • specific examples of how each strategy is applied. 

The analysis of each risk management strategy should include what happens before, during and after the activity. 

Analyse comprehensively 

Student responses must provide an evaluation which may: 

  • consider the risk management strategies applied that were most relevant to the identified risk 
  • justify why with supporting evidence from own personal experiences 
  • consider positives and negatives 
  • conclude which strategies worked best and why 
  • consider future suggestions/modifications to the application of risk management strategies. 

See all Physical Education clarifications