Maintaining the approved subjects list

How we maintain the approved subjects list for University Entrance

NZQA has developed processes and criteria for maintaining the approved subjects list for University Entrance. 

These processes and criteria cover: 

  • modifications to the list of approved subjects for University Entrance, such as the addition or removal of subjects and standards
  • regular periodic reviews of the list of approved subjects for University Entrance to make sure the list remains relevant and meets its intended purpose.

The purpose of the approved subjects list for University Entrance is to ensure that students have the appropriate skills and knowledge in a subject to prepare them for degree level study at university.

Resources and links

Download processes and criteria guidelines for maintaining the approved subjects list [PDF, 238 KB]

Download an application form for modification of the approved subjects list [DOCX, 1.2 MB]

Go to the approved subjects list

Periodic reviews

Every 4 years NZQA consults with the education sector and other interested groups about the approved subjects list.

We do this to ensure that the list is relevant and meets the sector's expectations.

Changes may be made to whole subjects, or to the standards within a subject.

For more information, please email us

Page last updated:  28 August 2023