Use the links below to find information about NCEA at Levels 1, 2, and 3.
You can find general information, exam timetables, subject resources and more in the main NCEA section.
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On this page
Choosing subjects
Your pathway from education to employment can take many different directions.
What you study now can guide you to a career or further study. It's important to choose your subjects wisely!
Discover more about pathways in our navigating pathways section.
Plus meet some Pacific people with exciting careers and find out how they navigated their journeys.
Learn more
Go to the navigating pathways section
Match your favourite subjects to jobs (external link) - Careers NZ website
Where to from school? ebook (external link) - Careers NZ website
Taking STEM and STEAM subjects can lead to rewarding and future-proof careers.
Some experts predict that in the future, all jobs will need some STEM knowledge.
STEM is science, technology, engineering and maths
STEAM is science, technology, engineering, arts and maths
Pacific people have a long history of science and exploration, and Aotearoa needs more Pacific people working in STEM and STEAM fields.
Plus, these subjects are fun and engaging.
Imagine designing and coding your own video game or being on the frontiers of medical science!
Learn more
Did you know that there are dedicated scholarship for Pacific students?
- pay for some or all of your education
- may also cover your living costs while you study
- are open to students at university or in vocational training.
Learn more

Interactive resources
My NCEA wall planner
Download and print our NCEA subject planner in your favourite colour. Put it up on your wall and use it to keep your studies organised.
My NCEA planner blue [PDF, 739 KB]
My NCEA planner red [PDF, 670 KB]
My NCEA planner yellow [PDF, 594 KB]
Download our ebooks and meet Pacific people working in a range of careers.
Find out what they studied and how they navigated their pathway from education to employment in Rising Stars.
Or read STEM It Up! and discover how far STEM subjects can take you.
Extra support
Your secondary school studies are important. Passing NCEA sets you up for a secure career.
But studying can be hard or overwhelming sometimes.
If you need a bit of extra support to help you do well, there are a range of systems in place.
Learn more
Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) (external link)
Support programmes for Pacific learners
Apply for a device to support your study (external link) - DigiTautua website
Feeling stressed?
Or maybe you just want someone to talk to. Vaka Tautua offers a free, confidential helpline service.
0800 OLA LELEI (0800 652 535)
The lines are open Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5pm.