Access your results

How to access your secondary school and tertiary results online, or apply for a record of results for an older qualification

View results in the learner portal

You can access your results for New Zealand qualifications, standards and micro-credentials in the learner portal.

When you enrol in a programme that leads to credits for standards and New Zealand qualifications, you are given a unique identification number called a National Student Number (NSN).

Any time you gain a qualification or standard listed on the National Qualifications and Credentials Framework this is recorded under your NSN.

If you know your NSN, you can use the MyNZQA learner portal to see all standards and national qualifications you have achieved.

Using the MyNZQA learner portal

Access your National Student Number (NSN)

There are a few ways to find your NSN if you don't know what it is:

  • ask your school if you're still a student
  • call the NZQA Call Centre on 0800 697 296 
  • ask our chatbot, Awhina.

If you don't have an NSN yet, please call our contact centre.

Log in to MyNZQA

Use the MyNZQA learner portal to see your results and order an NZRoA or Sschool Results Summary


New Zealand Record of Achievement

A New Zealand Record of Achievement (NZRoA) is an official transcript of all the New Zealand qualifications and standards that a person has achieved. You can download your record from the learner portal.

Information about your NZRoA

Verify a digital NZRoA

You can use our online tool to check that a digital NZRoA is authentic:

Verify NZRoA

School Results Summary

You may print a School Results Summary at any time. The Summary provides a list of all your results at secondary school. Use the MyNZQA learner portal to get your summary.

Information about your School Results Summary

Secondary school qualifications before 2002

If you achieved any secondary qualifications before 2002, you can apply for a Certified Statement of National School Qualifications Results. This statement lists your past school results.

To apply, complete the secondary and tertiary records online application form:

Apply for secondary and tertiary records

More about qualifications before 2002

Secondary school qualifications before 2002

Gaining NCEA Level 2 after leaving school

During tertiary study or higher education, many students find they have also earnt credits for NCEA, often for NCEA Level 2.

To see if your tertiary study has earnt you credits towards NCEA, call us on 0800 697 296 or email the Data Management and Learner Records team at:

More information

Getting NCEA Level 2 after leaving school

Issue of New Zealand Certificates and New Zealand Diplomas

NZQA does not accept applications directly from learners for the issue of a New Zealand Certificate or a New Zealand Diploma. Contact the provider that awarded you the qualification to get these documents.

If your provider has been de-registered, you can contact us on 0800 697 296 or email the Data Management and Learner Records team at:

Issue of National Certificates and National Diplomas

NZQA still accepts applications from learners for the issue of a National Certificate or a National Diploma. 

Apply for your National Certificate or Diploma, or to replace a certificate:

Apply for secondary and tertiary records (external link)

Issue of a New Zealand Diploma in Business

To apply for a certificate reprint of your New Zealand Diploma in Business, complete this form:

Apply for secondary and tertiary records (external link)

Issue of Trade Certificates and Advanced Trade Certificates statements

NZQA is not able to issue Trade Certificates or Advanced Trade Certificates, however, NZQA can issue certified statements attesting to the past award of Trade or Advanced Trade Certificates.

You can apply for a certified statement to replace an original Trade Certificate at a cost of $25.60.

You can also apply for a search for results. Replacement result notices are not available, but we're able to issue a certified statement which lists the examinations entered and your results.

The search and issue fee per level is $20.40, or $51.10 for all 3 levels. Additional copies are available for $5.10.

You can apply for a certified statement to replace an original Advanced Trade Certificate at the cost of $25.60.

To apply, complete the secondary and tertiary records online application form:

Apply for secondary and tertiary records (external link)

Issue of Advanced Vocational Awards statements

New Zealand Certificates, including the New Zealand Certificates in Engineering, are no longer being awarded. 

You can apply for a certified statement or an academic transcript to replace an original New Zealand Certificate or New Zealand Certificate in Engineering.

A certified statement verifying your achievement costs $25.60.

The fee for an academic transcript showing your subjects and grades is $25.60 (up to stage 3) and $51.10 (all stages).

To apply, complete the secondary and tertiary records online application form:

Apply for secondary and tertiary records

Studying overseas and your results

If you are planning to study at an overseas tertiary institution, contact the institution as early as possible to find out what results information you need to provide.

Australian institutions will contact NZQA directly to obtain your results.

Taking New Zealand Qualifications overseas

Get more information or give us feedback

Page last updated:  21 March 2025