Apply for an International Qualification Assessment (IQA)

Find out how to apply to have an overseas qualification evaluated for use in New Zealand.

If you need to apply for an International Qualification Assessment (IQA) or Overseas Study Assessment (OSA), here are the steps to follow.

Prepare to apply for an IQA


Confirm the type of IQA you need to apply for and how many applications to make

Confirm if you need an IQA, and if so, what type.

If you want more than one qualification evaluated, confirm how many applications you need to make, and what type of applications.

See what types of IQA we offer

Confirm the documents you need to upload

Gather the documents you need for the application and make sure they meet the standards for documents.

Find the requirements

Check the terms and conditions

Make sure you know and agree to the terms and conditions.

Once you make an application there are usually no refunds.

Find the terms and conditions

Check what the fee is and how to pay

Make sure you have a credit card ready for payment.

Check the fees

How long it takes to evaluate applications

The time it takes to evaluate an overseas qualification depends on the details of a qualification, such as the education system, qualification structure, age, and mode of delivery. 

Most of the time, you will get the outcome of the evaluation within 6 weeks (30 working days) from the date you applied.

This does not include weekends, public holidays or NZQA holidays.

We will give priority to applications that include all the evidence and documentation we need.

Once we have confirmed that the application you've submitted contains all the evidence and documentation we need, we complete 90 per cent of applications within 15 business days.

If your application is incomplete, there will be delays in getting your evaluation outcome.

After you apply

You can check the status of your application by logging into the online application portal or by contacting us:

Complete our online form

The status of your application

Draft: Your application has not been submitted yet.

Submitted or In Progress or Urgent: You have successfully submitted your application and it is in progress.

Your application will progress through different stages:

  • Pre-Evaluation - We have not yet checked that your application is complete.
  • Waiting for information - Your application is on hold as we wait for further information, documents or verification.
  • Evaluation - We have checked your application is complete and are evaluating the application now.
  • Peer Review (PR)/Quality Assurance - We are checking the outcome of evaluation by doing quality assurance checks.
  • Publish - We have completed all quality checks and your outcome is pending publication.

Evaluation Complete and Application Complete: You can now download your Electronic Recognition Statement (eRS).

Missing documents or information

We can only complete an evaluation of your qualification once we receive all the relevant documents or information.

We will contact you by email if we need any missing documents or information.

We may cancel your application if we do not hear back from you within 30 days of contacting you. 

The result of the evaluation

We will send you an email when your application is complete. This email will tell you how to access the result of the evaluation.

The result of the evaluation is a recognition statement. This tells you where the qualification fits within the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework.

Understanding your recognition statement

Appealing a result

If you believe that the outcome of your IQA evaluation is incorrect, you have the option to apply for an appeal of your IQA application through our online portal within the next 3 months.

The cost for an appeal is $765. You may only apply to appeal the outcome of your evaluation once.

Please contact us first to discuss the outcome of your recognition statement before deciding to submit an appeal.

Making supporting and follow-up applications

You may need to make other applications for related qualifications as well. 

You can contact the QRS team for further advice if you are not sure which type of IQA you need to apply for.

If you want an add-on evaluation after your IQA has been completed, you can request this within 12 months after you received your evaluation results.

More information for agents and refugees

Information for agents

Information for refugees