Code resources for tertiary providers

Resources to help tertiary providers meet their obligations under the Code

Guidelines, information and tools


These guidelines set out our expectations for interpreting and applying the Code for tertiary providers

Download the guidelines [PDF, 2.4MB]

Communications toolkit

Resources such as social media posts, videos and flyers to help your learners know about and understand the Code

Go to the toolkit

Data reporting

Guidance on how to record and report complaints and incidents to key stakeholders

Go to the guide [PDF, 370KB]

Code-to-code comparison tools

Tools to help you compare previous versions of the Code with the current Code

Find the comparison tools

Managing education agents

Information about managing and monitoring education agents

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Critical incidents and emergencies

What you need to have in place in the event of a critical incident or death

Go to the tools

Self-review toolkit

Toolkit to support tertiary education providers' self-review of current practices against the requirements of the Code

Go to the toolkit


International learners and their education providers may have obligations regarding insurance

Find out more

International learner profile (opens in a new window)

The essential information you need to collect when enrolling international learners

Go to the example form [DOCX, 30KB]

Accommodation checks

Example tools for checks to make sure accommodation meets all regulatory and legislative requirements

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The Code News

We release our newsletter, Code News regularly. It is tailored to your sector.

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