About the Code
He aha hoki te Rārangi Tikanga Atawhai?
He aratohu te Rārangi Tikanga Atawhai hei whakamārama i te kawenga o ngā kura amorangi mātauranga ki te tautāwhi i a koe, i ō whāinga katoa hoki e pā ana ki te mātauranga.
E ai ki te Rārangi Tikanga Atawhai me āwhina tō whare amorangi mātauranga kia:
- noho haumaru koe ā-tinana, ā-hinengaro
- whakaute, kia whakamana i tō tuākiritanga
- tautoko i ō akoranga, i ō toiora
- piri tonu koe ki ō taura here ā-iwi, ā-tikanga
- āhei koe ki te whakaputa korero e ai ki ngā ratonga.
What is the Code?
The Code sets out the roles and responsibilities of education providers in promoting and supporting your wellbeing, safety, and academic success.
Under the Code, your education provider should help you to:
- be safe, both physically and mentally
- feel respected and accepted for who you are
- feel supported in your learning and wellbeing
- stay connected to your social and cultural networks
- have your say in decisions about services.
Download the Code
You can download the Code in Te reo Māori and English:
Code videos and key information

The Code - Tertiary learners
The key information you need to know including translations in several languages
Find out more
The Code - International school learners
The key information you need to know including translations in several languages
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Know the Code videos
Videos about the Code and the support you can expect for your wellbeing and safety while you study
Go to the videos
Information about how to make a complaint if you are unhappy with your provider’s compliance with the Code
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Student accommodation
Your student accommodation should provide a positive and supportive environment for you to live in
Find out more
Te oranga me te haumaru Ākonga
The Code summary information for Tertiary learners in te reo Māori
Haere ki te oranga me te haumaru Ākonga