Redesigning the quality assurance framework

NZQA has established a cross-sector advisory group to consult on the redesign of the quality assurance framework for non-university tertiary education.

The group includes members from workforce development councils, Te Pūkenga, wānanga and private training establishments, as well as members from industry, employer, union and learners’ groups, and universities. 

While some parameters of NZQA's regulatory work are set out in legislation, we do not have a predetermined idea of what the redesigned quality assurance framework will look like.

The next stage is to start working with sub-sector groups, other government agencies and groups representing stakeholders and under-served learners.

Changed education landscape

Since the current quality assurance framework was introduced over 10 years ago, the education landscape has changed dramatically. For example, we have established workforce development councils and Te Pūkenga and made changes to vocational education qualifications and credentials.

New strategic priorities and technologies, along with the changing expectations of learners, employers and communities, and regulatory practice have also evolved over this time.

The process of redesigning the quality assurance framework, consulting on proposed changes and implementing them will be a lengthy process. In the meantime, NZQA’s quality assurance work will continue as normal, and there is no need to change any of the activity you are undertaking.

Submitting applications for programmes of study in 2024

To help with your planning and processes for internal quality assurance, below are the cut-off dates for submitting applications for programmes of study you want to deliver in 2024.


You can submit degree applications to NZQA at any time. If you want new degree approvals and/or accreditations or Type 2 changes to existing degrees ready for Semester One of 2024, please submit the application to NZQA before 28 July 2023.

Please see the note below about the large number of applications we expect to receive in the latter half of this year.

Level 7 Diplomas

Talk to your A&A contact for guidance before starting the development of a Level 7 Diploma.

Programmes of study at levels 1-6

You can submit applications at any time. In the March eQuate we mentioned that if you want to be ready for Semester One of 2024, you should submit your application before 6 October 2023 for:

  • new approvals and/or accreditations for programmes of study at levels 1 to 6
  • Type 2 changes to existing level 1-6 programmes.

Please take note of the final date for submission of new applications this year. We are expecting a large number of applications in the second half of the year. We strongly recommend discussing your plans and timelines for submitting new applications to NZQA with your A&A contact person.

If you don’t know who your contact person is, log into the NZQA portal, call us on 0800 697 296 or (04) 463 3000 or email us.

Email QA Admin

Keep up to date with new qualifications and standards

Check out the qualifications and standards approvals page on the NZQA website for new approvals as they are published each month.

This will help your organisation keep up to date of new approvals, reviews and changes, which may inform programme development, consent to assess or delivery.

The approvals page is a monthly compilation of change reports for qualifications and standards registered on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework. It is updated on the second Tuesday of every month.

The subscription function has been removed while the page undergoes a refresh, to enhance useability.

Find change reports

NCEA Change Programme

If your tertiary education organisation provides secondary qualifications, pay a visit to NCEA Education. This is the new home for the Ministry of Education’s NCEA Change Programme.

The web page provides resources, guidance, achievement standards, tools and co-requisites for both Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and the New Zealand Curriculum.

The resource will support kaiako, teachers and school leaders to remain up to date with changes to NCEA.

NCEA Education - NCEA Change Programme (external link)

2023 Assuring Consistency workshops

To help you prepare for consistency reviews, we are continuing to offer free Assuring Consistency workshops in 2023, delivered through Zoom.

The three-hour workshops are particularly useful for organisations that have a consistency review coming up, or for new staff who will need to understand the process and evidence requirements for future involvement in consistency reviews.

Register for 2023 Assuring Consistency Workshops

NZQA processes

TEO issue of New Zealand qualification and micro-credentials achievement certificates

Find specifications for the format of certificates for qualifications and micro-credentials:

Issue of New Zealand qualification and micro-credential achievement certificates

If you need copies of the NZQCF logos, please contact our Client Services team:

Email QA Admin

Lapse of programme accreditation or micro-credential approval

If a programme or micro-credential has not been delivered for 12 months or more, the provider’s programme accreditation or approval to provide the micro-credential will lapse.

You can apply for an extension to programme accreditation or micro-credential approval prior to the date of any such lapse by emailing QA admin.

New rules are now in place for the approval and accreditation of micro-credentials. If your organisation already has approved micro-credentials, you will continue to hold approval for these. From this year (2023), existing micro-credentials will be aligned with the new rules.

Guidelines for micro-credentials (external link)

Email QA Admin

Keeping your PTE registration status current

Where your organisation has accreditation for only one programme or approved micro-credential, and it is not delivered for 12 months of more, the organisation’s registration will lapse.

To avoid this, you can apply for an extension of time to stop your programme or micro-credential from lapsing. This also prevents your registration from lapsing. Apply for this extension before the 12 months of non-usage ends by emailing

For more information about PTE registration see:

Guidelines for applying for registration as a private training establishment (external link)

Guidelines for maintaining registration as a private training establishment (external link)

Change of ownership

Registered private training establishments planning a Sale of Shares, Transfer of Shares or Introduction of New Shareholders need to apply for NZQA approval pursuant to Rule 6.1.1(b) of the Private Training Establishment Registration Rules 2022.

Applications must be made no less than 30 working days before the proposed transaction completion or settlement date. Find details about applying for change of ownership and the online application form:

Online change of ownership application (external link)

More information

Change of ownership of PTEs (external link)

Permanent delivery sites – what to apply for

If you are a Category 1 or 2 provider intending to deliver a programme at levels 1-6 or a Level 7 Diploma, please complete the Permanent Delivery Site Approval Form.

Find the Permanent Delivery Site Approval form (external link)

If you are intending to deliver a degree (levels 7-10) at a new delivery site, which is already registered with NZQA as a permanent site, please submit an application for that degree programme via the ‘other’ option.

Find information about approving delivery sites:

Approval of delivery sites (external link)

If you have any questions about programme applications, please contact us:

Email approval and accreditation team

Coming up this quarter

Forms and declarations Who needs to send forms Due date
 Annual Registration Fee Return Form (external link) All registered PTEs and wānanga 30 June 2023

 Annual statutory declaration (external link)

Note there are different forms for PTEs and TEIs

Providers with a financial year-end of 31 March 2023 31 August 2023

Independent Assurance Practitioner's Review Report (external link)


Auditor's Report (external link)

 PTEs with a financial year-end of 31 March 2023 31 August 2023
 Audit of Student Fee Protection arrangements  PTEs with a financial year-end of 31 March 2023
Providers not exempt
31 August 2023

Quarterly student fee protection attestation

Quarter ending 31 August 2023

 Providers not exempt:

  • static trusts
  • bank bond trusts.

Not required for standard trusts

To trustee by 7 September 2023

To NZQA by 14 September 2023


Fit and Proper Person and Conflict of Interest declarations (external link)

Submit a new or amended declaration:

  • before any new governing member starts
  • if an existing governing member has a new or changed conflict of interest
  • if an existing governing member has a change in their fit and proper person status.

Find definition of governing member in the Act:

Section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link)

 PTEs only:

  • applying for registration
  • registered PTEs.
 As needed

Forwarding information and queries

Send documents and questions:

Email QA Admin

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