Nau mai, haere mai
Te Kōkiritanga is our action plan for ākonga Māori success.
Kōkiri means advancing forward together. We use the name Te Kōkiritanga as it shows how we need to work together to achieve our strategic goals.
Te Kōkiritanga describes how we'll work with education agencies to achieve equity for ākonga Māori and their whānau.
Te Kōkiritanga strengthens our commitment to te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Everyone at NZQA is responsible for the actions of Te Kōkiritanga.
Download Te Kōkiritanga 2020-2023: NZQA's Action Plan for Ākonga Māori Success [PDF, 3.1 MB]
The 30-year education vision
Our actions in Te Kōkiritanga are closely aligned to cross-agency strategies including the 30-year education vision, Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai Te Reo.
Ka Hikitia explains how we work with education agencies to support Māori communities. Tau Mai Te Reo explains how we develop Māori language in education.
Five objectives of the vision
The 30-year education vision has five objectives:
- Barrier-free access
- Future of learning and work
- Learners at the centre
- Quality teaching and leadership
- World-class inclusive public education.
Ka Hikitia (external link) - Ministry of Education website
Tau Mai Te Reo (external link) - Ministry of Education website

Kia noho takatū ki tō āmua ao
As the population of Māori grows, it's essential that education, training and work responds to the needs of ākonga Māori and their whānau. Ākonga Māori need to be prepared for digitisation, automation and the future of work.
Our role is to quality assure qualifications and administer the secondary school assessment system. Over the next three years we will do this focusing on our two strategic goals of equity and lifelong learning.
Our strategic goals support this vision.”
Our strategic goals for Te Kōkiritanga
Equitable access and opportunities enable ākonga Māori success.
Qualifications enable Māori lifelong learning and wellbeing.
Our 5 focus areas
Our focus areas help us achieve our strategic goals:
Te reo pāpori | Community voice
Ākonga Māori, whānau and Māori communities benefit from tailored NZQA services.
Te mahi ngātahi | Partnerships
Strategic partnerships enable ākonga Māori success.
Te ara Mātauranga | Pathways
Ākonga Māori and whānau can confidently and successfully navigate education and employment pathways.
Te whakapakari tāngata | People
NZQA staff and leaders have increased capacity and capability to achieve equity of access and outcomes for ākonga Māori.
Te mana taurite | Equity and excellence
Equity and excellence for ākonga Māori is informed by data, evidence and best practice.