Assessment support resources
Nau mai haere mai! Need some āwhina to help your students achieve the reo Māori unit standards?
Our assessment booklets include tūmahi and assessment requirements for the reo Māori unit standards.
We integrate bilingual and immersions language teaching in our booklets.
Ākonga assessment booklet
Our ākonga assessment booklet supports kaiako and the ākonga to achieve the outcomes of the Kaupae 2 unit standards.
Download the booklet:
Ākonga assessment booklet - Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rumaki, Reo rua) Kaupae 2 [PDF, 4.5 MB]
Assessor booklet
Our Assessor booklet helps kaiako assess ākonga who have completed the unit standards.
Download the booklet:
Assessor booklet - Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rumaki, Reo rua) Kaupae 2 [PDF, 3.5 MB]
Curriculum guidance
Our guidance documents help kaiako develop a programme of learning based on a curriculum adapted to their local area.
Curriculum Guidance for Te Reo Māori Qualifications Kaupae 2 [DOCX, 133 KB]
Qualification overview for Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rumaki, Reo Rua) Kaupae 2 (external link)
Related unit standards
The tūmahi for the reo Māori unit standards also meet the requirements for the following unit standards:
Each paerewa unit standard is worth 4 whiwhinga.
30751 - Kōrero kia taumata ā-tumu te reo Māori - Kaupae 2 (external link)
30752 - Kōrero kia taumata a-tumu te reo Māori mō te ao tūroa o te ākonga - Kaupae 2 (external link)
30753 - Kōrero kia taumata ā-tumu te reo Māori mō te tangata - Kaupae 2 (external link)
30754 - Kōrero kia taumata ā-tūmu te reo Māori mō te mana whenua - Kaupae 2 (external link)
Each paerewa unit standard is worth 4 whiwhinga.
30755 - Pānui kia taumata ā-tumu te mōhiotanga ki ngā tuhinga reo Māori - Kaupae 2 (external link)
Each paerewa unit standard is worth 4 whiwhinga.
30759 - Tuhituhi kia taumata ā-tumu ngā tuhinga reo Māori - Kaupae 2 (external link)
30761 - Tuhituhi kia taumata ā-tumu ngā tuhinga reo Māori mō te tangata - Kaupae 2 (external link)
Each paerewa unit standard is worth 3 whiwhinga.
30763 - Whakarongo kia taumata ā-tumu te mōhiotanga ki te reo Māori - Kaupae 2 (external link)
Full breakdown of unit standards
For a full breakdown of unit standards, go to the Reo Māori sub-field and click on each domain:
Reo Māori sub-field (external link)