About Te Manaaki Tāngata ki te Marae
We developed Te Manaaki Tāngata ki te Marae programme to recognise what many ākonga have experienced, understand, and can demonstrate on the marae.
Once they have successfully completed the programme, ākonga can gain 60 credits towards NCEA and gain a Level 2 qualification in Tikanga.
Māori Qualifications Services (MQS) own the programme. Kura, schools and tertiary organisations (TEOs) must apply to NZQA for accreditation to deliver Te Manaaki Tāngata ki te Marae.
The resources provided for this programme include:
- Te Manaaki Tāngata ki te Marae Programme Guidance for Kaiako
- Te Manaaki Tāngata ki te Marae Ākonga Handbook
- Assessment support materials for kaiako and ākonga
On this page

Programme overview
Kōnae Ako
Mana reo
In this kōnae ako, ākonga can learn foundational level te reo Māori and apply it to everyday tikanga Māori contexts.
Tikanga marae
This kōnae ako introduces ākonga to protocols, roles and practices associated with hui (including pōwhiri) in accordance with tikanga or kawa.
Ākonga will also explain the use of karakia and waiata.
Manaaki marae
This kōnae ako enables ākonga to describe manaaki interactions in a wharekai, customary and traditional Māori kai. Akōnga also demonstrate knowledge and expressions of manaakitanga.
Mana wahine
This kōnae ako enables ākonga to participate in and demonstrate knowledge of the preparation of a marae for a pōwhiri.
Waiata mai
This kōnae ako enable ākonga to demonstrate knowledge and skills of waiata Māori, including mōteatea and waiata ā-ringa.
Graduate profile outcomes
Graduates from this programme can:
- describe the fundamental application of cultural concepts where tikanga are applied and practiced as an expression of mana ao tūroa
- apply basic reo structures and tikanga practices as an expression of mana reo
- apply basic factual knowledge to describe tikanga as they apply to kaitiakitanga in the expression of mana whenua
- engage and interact with others to carry out basic aspects of tikanga as an expression of mana tangata.
Programme brochure and flyer
Download our brochure and flyer about this exciting new programme:
Te Manaaki Tāngata ki te Marae programme: Brochure [PDF, 1.7 MB]
Te Manaaki Tāngata ki te Marae programme: Flyer [PDF, 1.2 MB]
How to request this programme
If you would like to deliver Te Manaaki Tāngata ki te Marae in your kura, school, or tertiary organisation, you can download the Programme Request Form (PRF).
Programme Request Form (PRF) [PDF, 289 KB]
Next, email your completed form to us at: