Assessment and exam assistants (writers, typists and readers)

Information about being an assessment assistant for students who need help completing internal and external assessments

Working as an Assistant

Some students who have difficulties completing internal assessments, external exams, and practice assessments are able to use Assistants to help them.

An Assistant may be needed to:

  • read the activity brief or questions to the student and
  • read their answers back to them or
  • write or type for them or
  • read and write or type for the student.

The school provides training for the assistants.

When it might not be appropriate to use an Assistant

There may be certain standards for which the use of a reader or writer may not be appropriate.

Assessments where SAC provision is not appropriate or allowed

Who should not be an Assistant

To avoid a possible conflict of interest and the perception of providing a possible advantage, an Assistant should not be:

  • a teacher of the subject or the student
  • a relative of the student
  • a friend of the student
  • another student at the school
  • a tutor
  • a close family friend
  • anyone else with a reasonably close personal relationship to either the student or their family.

There may be exceptions given the particular circumstances the student faces. Please contact us at to discuss any exceptional circumstances. 

The job of the Reader

You must only do the tasks for which the student has been approved SAC

As a reader you are the eyes of the student.

Both you and the student will have a copy of the assessment.

What the Reader should do

  • Read the assessment to the student clearly and at a speed they can follow.
  • Make sure that they can easily hear what you are reading.
  • Re-read instructions or a passage if you are asked to. Do so clearly and wait for them to ask you to read again. 
  • Check that the student is at the right place in the assessment before they start writing (e.g. correct question number).
  • The student may use a computer to type their answers.

What you must not do

  • You are not allowed to interpret the question or words for the student. To do so will invalidate their results.
  • Avoid giving the student facial expressions or being hesitant if you see mistakes being made. Please be patient if the student works slowly.
  • Do not use a computer for a student.
  • Do not encourage or prompt the student to work harder or faster in the assessment. To do so will invalidate their results.
  • In a language exam you are not permitted to read the language that is being tested, you can only read the English instructions for the student. However, for Te Reo Rangatira, a Te Reo Māori reader is allowed.

The job of the Writer or Typist

You are the hands of the student and it is your responsibility to write or type the answers for the student.

Both you and the student will have a copy of the assessment.

The requirements and conditions are the same for a Writer and a Typist typing a student’s work.

What the Writer or Typist should do

  • Make sure that you are writing or typing any answers in the right place in the assessment (e.g. correct question number).
  • Make sure that the student can easily see what you are writing.
  • Only write the words that they use and in the order that they say them to you.
  • Spell all words correctly and add punctuation.
  • A student may sketch out a few ideas for long answers or essays in the working/planning space in their booklet. They may then read from this.
  • Re-write, edit or amend an answer they have already given, if you are asked to.
  • A student may be required to draw a diagram or map etc. to show an independent command of the skill being shown. A writer may add words or labels only as directed by the student.
  • For physically disabled students, you may write non-English answers in a language assessment, but the student may be required to spell each word and add accents as required.
  • A writer or typist for Te Reo Rangatira assessments may write in Te Reo Māori as spoken.

If you are using a computer, the computer must be set up in the same way as if the student was going to type for themselves.

Using a computer for external assessment

What you should not do

  • Do not interpret or make suggestions about what you think the student is trying to write. To do so will invalidate their results.
  • Do not copy any sentences that the student has written. They must speak their words to you.
  • The student must not write out a complete answer and then read it to you or have you copy it.
  • Avoid giving the student facial expressions or being hesitant if you see or hear mistakes being made. Please be patient if the student works slowly.
  • Do not encourage or prompt the student to work harder or faster in the assessment. To do so will invalidate their results.

Related information

Working as an Exam Assistant for external exams

The same general guidelines for being an assistant apply. Further specific exam information is published each year for Exam Centre Managers.

Computer setup for exams

Read about use of a computer for external assessment (exams)

Contact the SAC team

If you have a question or feedback, contact the SAC team at

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