SAC and external assessment including exams

Information about Special Assessment Conditions requirements for external assessment including exams

This page covers general information for schools and students about special assessment conditions (SAC) during external assessments.

For information on externally assessed submitted standards and TAPA assessments, see:

SAC for Level 1 externally assessed submitted standards and TAPA in Term 3

External standard entries

The process to attach a candidate’s SAC entitlements to external exam sessions can only start once the external exam entries have been submitted to NZQA by the school.

These entries should be done as early as possible in the year.

Further details can be found at SAC Timeline.

SAC timeline

Consult students

Consult each SAC candidate about their SAC preferences for each exam session and record their decisions.

Attaching SAC entitlements to exam sessions

Schools must attach candidates’ SAC entitlements to each exam session to ensure that these entitlements are provided during the exams. This is a fundamental prerequisite for the Exam Centre Manager’s planning.

The process is in the SAC online tool guide.

SAC online tool guide [PDF, 1.9 MB]

The target date to complete the attaching of SAC to exam sessions is the first week of September. This ensures that the entitlements appear on the Exam Centre Manager's planner.

The Principal’s Nominee or SENCO determines if an entitled candidate is allocated to a small group or isolated separate accommodation.

Extra Writing Time option

For certain exam sessions, a SAC candidate may opt for Extra Writing Time to replace the use of a Writer or Computer.

This is not for candidates using a Computer as a result of the Computer Notification process.

Special Assessment Conditions - Extra Writing Time Option

Amending SAC exam attachments

SAC entitlements that have been attached to a candidate’s exam session can be amended. The process is in the SAC online tool guide.

SAC online tool guide [PDF, 1.9 MB]

However late amendments (i.e. in Term 4) affect the Exam Centre Manager’s ability to plan for rooms, supervisors and exam assistants, so any changes should be discussed with the Exam Centre Manager beforehand.

Late exam entries

Any late exam entries submitted for candidates with SAC entitlements will need to have the entitlements attached to the relevant exam session.

This is not an automatic process but must be completed for each such standard.

Exam assistants (readers, writers and typists)

The school has the responsibility for recruiting, training and scheduling their exam assistants. Exam assistants engage with SAC candidates in an examination, e.g. as a reader, writer or typist.

Any new exam assistants will need to be police vetted by the school.

The exam assistant continues to be paid by the school if they undertake an exam role during the hours they normally work for the school. They need to complete a memorandum of understanding with NZQA for their exam work.

If the exam assistant is not being paid by the school during any of the exam sessions they are scheduled for, they need to complete an exam officer agreement and are paid by NZQA.

Correctly completed and signed memoranda of understanding and agreements are to be returned to the ECM by the due date.

Find out more about reading and writing assistants for assessments and exams

Guidelines for SAC provision in digital exams and CATs

Schools should carefully consider whether digital exams are appropriate for SAC candidates dependent on their specific circumstances and resourcing/logistical implications.

Guidelines for SAC provision in digital exams and CATs

Principal’s Nominees responsibilities for SAC before exams

Early communication

Early communication between the Examination Centre Manager (ECM) and the Principal's Nominee and/or SENCO about individual student needs is good practice.

The ECM is responsible for managing Exam Centre Officers including those supervising students entitled to use SAC, e.g. for students using a computer or having separate accommodation.

Principal’s Nominees should liaise regularly with the SENCO and Exam Centre Manager to ensure that all exam processes for SAC students run smoothly.

Principal’s Nominees have a responsibility to ensure that the students who use computers do so according to NZQA requirements.

Use of a computer for external assessment (exams)

Managing SAC students from other schools

If you are the exam centre for another school, confirm with their Principal's Nominee which students have SAC entitlements.

The student’s home school is responsible for recruiting, training and scheduling exam assistants for their SAC students. The two schools should work together to ensure that there are suitable and sufficient rooms, and computer facilities as required.

At the start of term 4 (or earlier), the Principal's Nominee and/or SENCO:

  • ensures that there are sufficient and suitable exam assistants for all students entitled to have SAC
  • ensures that students know their entitlement(s)
  • facilitates a meeting with the ECM.

At this meeting they ensure the ECM is aware of individual student needs.

Some students may need to take medication, walk about or otherwise self-manage.

Extra writing time (ET) and rest breaks of up to an additional 30 minutes (RB30) will only show on the ECM’s planner if a student is entered for three standards or Scholarship.

Students requiring rest breaks but who are not entered for three standards or Scholarship will have a designation of RB, which does not include an additional 30 minutes.

At the start of term 4 (or earlier), the Principal's Nominee and/or SENCO also facilitates:

  • which exam assistants are matched with which students
  • suitable rooms which are available for SAC, including accessibility if needed
  • any SAC students coming from another school, and their arrangements.

Computer setup for exams

Find out about the set-up requirements for computers in exams:

Use of a computer for external assessment (exams)

Principal’s Nominees responsibilities for SAC during exams

The Principal's Nominee and/or SENCO:

  • checks that SAC students and exam assistants know the entitlements and which rooms to use
  • checks on the exam assistants and provides a break, if necessary (generally between completion of standards)
  • should be available by mobile phone, if required.

The Examination Centre Manager:

  • is responsible for the distribution and collection of exam papers and/or running of the digital exams
  • ensures exam assistants follow NZQA’s administration processes for SAC.

Contact the SAC team

If you have a question or feedback, contact the SAC team at

Go to the main SAC page