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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to communicate a perceptive personal response to art works.
This involves:
- evaluating personal responses to art works
- using supporting evidence from art works and/or other sources
This student has written an imagined conversation between a child and his grandfather, using information gathered during a class field trip to Hotonui, Auckland Museum.
This student evaluated personal responses to kowhaiwhai and tukutuku. The evaluative discussions include detailed explanations of the meaning and impact of the art works (1) which are supported by evidence from the art works (2) and other sources (3).
Perception is apparent in the discussion of negative space in the kowhaiwhai (4), and in the comparison with the colours as seen in 1878 (3).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could use more evidence from other sources to evaluate their personal response to the wharenui and its art works.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to communicate a convincing personal response to art works.
This involves:
- making a reasoned personal response to art works
- using supporting evidence gathered from art works and other sources
This student uses information about art works he saw during a class field trip to an exhibition at the James Wallace Trust Collection, Auckland.
This student responds to the art works and expresses a convincing response to the themes of the exhibition (1).
Reasoned personal responses are demonstrated in fluently expressed ideas and interpretations of art works that integrate supporting evidence (2).
The interpretation of symbolism provides implicit evidence from other sources (3).
To reach Excellence, the student could go beyond simple, generalising points to evaluate their response to the ideas and themes of the art works and artists in this exhibition (4).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to communicate a convincing personal response to art works
This involves:
- making a reasoned personal response to art works
- using supporting evidence gathered from art works and other sources
This student uses information about art works by James Robinson, Philip Trusttum and Sam Harrison. The information was gathered during a class field trip to an exhibition at the James Wallace Trust Collection, Auckland.
This student has expressed views about an art work that are supported by reasons, based on evidence derived from the art work (1) and other sources (2).
The student’s responses to Robinson’s art work lead to a conclusion that is convincing (3).
For a more secure Merit, the student could maintain their reasoned approach throughout the response and use evidence from the art work and other sources to the support the expression of ideas (4).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to communicate a considered response to art works.
This involves:
- expressing ideas, views, opinions, information and/or interpretations of the features of art works
- using supporting evidence from art works and/or other sources
This student uses information about an art work by Peter Madden. The information was gathered during a class field trip to an exhibition at the James Wallace Trust Collection, Auckland.
This student has communicated a considered response by describing an art work and making an interpretation based on evidence in that art work (1). The reference to Madden’s layering indicates supporting evidence from sources other than the selected art work (2).
The detail and the construction of clear links between evidence in the art work and the student’s interpretations place this response at High Achieved (3).
To reach Merit, the student could go beyond descriptions of the features of the art work and the expression of unresolved views to express more convincing interpretations (4).
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to communicate a considered response to art works.
This involves:
- expressing ideas, views, opinions, information and/or interpretations of the features of art works
- using supporting evidence from art works and/or other sources
This student has examined Myron’s Diskobolos, a Greek Classical sculpture.
This student expresses a considered opinion of the physique of this art work (1) and supports their ideas with evidence from the art work (2). Consideration is demonstrated in references to evidence from a second art work used to support their interpretations (3).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could express more detailed ideas about other aspects of the art work, rather than focusing on the sculpture’s athleticism.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to communicate a considered response to art works.
This involves:
- expressing ideas, views, opinions, information and/or interpretations of the features of art works
- using supporting evidence from art works and/or other sources
This student’s response is based on his examination of J.L. David’s The Death of Socrates.
This student has described some features of this art work (1), and used evidence in the art work to support some interpretations of the work (2
To reach Achieved, the student could use evidence from the art work and/or other response to support considered information and interpretation. For example, the title of this art work could be used as evidence for a considered response to the subject (3).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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