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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to analyse, perceptively, texts about art.
This involves:
- evaluating the significance of the ideas and views expressed by the author(s) of the texts and their interpretations about art
- drawing conclusions about the texts.
This is part of a discussion of texts about the work of Rita Angus.
The student has evaluated the significance of the ideas and views expressed in texts about Rutu, and interpretations about Angus’s art (1).
The student has provided conclusions about the significance of these ideas, views and interpretations (2).
For a more secure Excellence, the student needs to expand and strengthen their evaluative discussion to include a broader range of ideas and views expressed by the authors of the texts.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to analyse, in-depth, texts about art.
This involves:
- linking the ideas and views expressed by the author(s) of the texts and interpretations about art
- using supporting evidence from the texts and/or other sources.
This is part of a discussion of texts about late twentieth century art.
The student links Anthony White’s ideas about Pollock’s Blue Poles to his interpretation of the impact of the work on art and culture (1). Evidence from White’s text is used to support this link (2).
The student has analysed the views of White, and used supporting evidence (3).
To reach Excellence, the student could develop their conclusion to include an evaluation of the significance of the ideas and views expressed by the authors of the selected texts (4).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to analyse, in-depth, texts about art.
This involves:
- linking the ideas and views expressed by the author(s) of the texts and interpretations about art
- using supporting evidence from the texts and/or other sources.
This is part of a discussion of texts about Mark Rothko.
The student makes an in-depth analysis of an interview with Kate Rothko Prizel, linking ideas and views expressed by the author and interpretations about art (1), using supporting evidence from the text.
For a more secure Merit, the student needs to provide more detail and/or explanation of the links between the ideas and views expressed by the author(s) of the texts and interpretations about art (2).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to analyse texts about art.
This involves:
- explaining ideas and views expressed by the author(s) of the texts
- identifying interpretations about art
- using supporting evidence from the texts.
This is part of a discussion of texts about Pop Art.
The student analyses Bollinger’s ideas by explaining Warhol’s fascination with mechanical processes (1), using supporting evidence from the article (2)
The student has identified Bollinger’s interpretations about Warhol’s art, using supporting evidence (3).
To reach Merit, the student could make links between the ideas and views expressed by the author(s) of the texts and their interpretations about art, using supporting evidence from the texts and/or other sources.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to analyse texts about art.
This involves:
- explaining ideas and views expressed by the author(s) of the texts
- identifying interpretations about art
- using supporting evidence from the texts.
This is part of a discussion of selected texts that are related to Andy Warhol’s Brillo Boxes.
The student begins to analyse texts by Danto and Benjamin by explaining ideas and views expressed by the authors, using supporting evidence (1).
Interpretations about art have been identified (2), and supported by evidence from the texts (3).
For a more secure Achieved, the student needs to strengthen their analysis by clearly explaining the ideas and views expressed by the authors of the texts, and clearly identify the ideas, views and interpretations in the texts.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to analyse texts about art.
This involves:
- explaining ideas and views expressed by the author(s) of the texts
- identifying interpretations about art
- using supporting evidence from the texts.
This excerpt is part of a discussion of texts about Pop Art.
The student describes ideas and views expressed by the authors of the selected texts (1), and identifies interpretations about art (2). Evidence from the texts have been included in the response, however, this is not used to support points made in the analysis (3).
To reach Achieved, the student could explain, rather than describe, ideas and views expressed by the author(s) of the texts, and make stronger links between evidence from the texts and the explanations and identifications they supports.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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