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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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Level 1 Dance assessment resources (external link) -


91937 exemplar - Achieved (PDF | 99 KB)


For Achieved, the student must perform two dance sequences, each at least 45 seconds in length, which allow students to demonstrate a sufficient range of dance movements. This includes changes in body parts, levels, direction, body bases, energy qualities, loco-motor, and non-locomotor movements.

This involves presenting dance movements as required by the choreography and demonstrating focus and support for the purpose of the sequences. The purpose statements have been provided.

This student has performed a contemporary and a Hip-Hop sequence and has presented both as required by the choreography. The student is concentrating and able to execute the required movements for each routine. There are no unnecessary, unchoreographed movements. Focus and support for the purpose are evident across the evidence. For example, in the Hip-Hop the purpose is to exude confidence and engage the audience. While further evidence of confidence could be shown, the student is trying to engage the audience with focus and smiling. This shows support for the purpose.

For Merit, further evidence of consistent clarity and control across the evidence is needed. For example, lowering the centre of gravity to get down in the floor and more looseness in the spine would provide further evidence of clarity in the Hip-Hop. In the contemporary sequence, further evidence of extension and size of shapes and pathways would allow more control and clarity to be demonstrated. Additionally, while support for the purpose is demonstrated, this is not yet being shown using appropriate performance energy as required for Merit. For example, using breath as per the contemporary purpose statement.

Achieved - Part 1

Achieved - Part 2


91937 exemplar - Merit (PDF | 88 KB)


For Merit, the student must perform two dance sequences with control. Each sequence must be at least 45 seconds in length.

Performing with control involves presenting dance movements with clarity and using performance energy appropriate to the purpose of the sequences. Purpose statements are provided. There is a solo Locking sequence and a group Sasa sequence, where the student is the second from left of screen.

The student recreated the choreography with ease, showing appropriate timing and clear and controlled shapes. The student performs the Locking sequence with control of timing and correct movements. There is an overall sense of performance energy which is appropriate to the purpose, with a sense of playfulness. The student performs with appropriate musicality and rhythm, which is important for the locking style. They execute the changes in level with general control.

In the Sasa the student is smiling and has an uplifted posture appropriate to the purpose (e.g. happiness). The sequence is performed without unnecessary movement and the choreography is clear. Evidence of clarity in the Sasa includes the use of correct rhythm and use of head. The movements are controlled so the audience can see what they are portraying. This is further evidence of the demonstration of purpose.

For Excellence, further accuracy of size and shape and more variation of energy qualities appropriate to each style is needed. For example, in the Sasa the air pathways of some arm movements could be extended and the locking sequence required more accurate size and breadth, as it was constrained in parts. The transition up from the floor was controlled, but could be more fluid.

Further use of performance energy to express the purpose for each sequence (e.g. more celebratory expression in the Sasa) would show evidence for Excellence. In the locking sequence there is appropriate use of performance energy, but this is not yet being expressed with assurance.


Video exemplar for Dance 91937 standard - Merit


91937 exemplar - Excellence (PDF | 245 KB)


For Excellence, the student must perform two dance sequences with fluency. Each sequence must be at least 45 seconds in length.

Performing with fluency involves presenting dance movements with accuracy and assurance and using performance energy to express the purpose of the sequences. Purpose statements for the sequences in this exemplar are provided.

The student is wearing black clothing with white shoes in both sequences. In the Hip- Hop sequence they dance in the centre and in the Afro-Fusion sequence the student is on the left of screen.

This student has performed both sequences with assurance and general fluency. The evidence shows them executing movements with accuracy, confidence, and energy appropriate to each style. Focus and expression appropriate for each dance is maintained throughout. The student uses phrasing competently and demonstrates musicality. There is fluency of technique, appropriate posture, accurate size, and commitment to each movement. Fluency is also enhanced through clear flow seen in both sequences with the student connecting each movement into the next.

In the Hip-Hop sequence the purpose of ‘groove’, ‘fun’, and ‘confidence’ is seen in the student’s energy quality choices. Their use of accurate technique also allows expression of the purpose. For example, the use of bent knees allows her to demonstrate the appropriate ‘groove’ for the style. The student employs skilful weight transfers to make the sequence flow, showing the fluency required for Excellence. Details of the choreography are clear, such as posture, weight use, and use of space. The student clearly hits accurate shapes and angles throughout the sequence.

In the African-Fusion sequence the student demonstrates accents and variations in timing and dynamics. There is expressive and purposeful use of their body to express the purpose (e.g. sass, cheekiness, a sense of fun and confidence). The student demonstrates smooth contrasts in timing and dynamics to enhance the expression of the sequence as applicable to the choreographer’s intention and their energy choices are clear and purposeful.

There is still some fine tuning of technique that could occur, but both performances show clear overall fluency delivered with confidence and strong performance energy.


Video exemplar for Dance 91937 standard - Excellence

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