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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to effectively resolve a spatial design through graphics practice.
This involves:
- making informed designer decisions that integrate spatial design knowledge, and understanding of the wider environmental conditions and human factors related to the design context
- communicating a spatial design that is justified in terms of the significant opportunities and constraints
This student has shown some understanding of the significant opportunities and constraints surrounding the site and style of architecture and justification of decisions to resolve the spatial design (1). Designer decisions which integrate spatial design knowledge, and some understanding of the wider environmental conditions are shown throughout the sketching and annotation (2).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could show further understanding and integration of wider environmental conditions and human factors to better reflect the first criterion of the standard.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to clearly resolve a spatial design through graphics practice.
This involves:
- exploring the wider environmental conditions and human factors related to the design context to identify opportunities and constraints
- communicating a spatial design that addresses significant opportunities and constraints
The student has explored some of the wider environmental conditions and human factors related to the design context (1). The student’s visual and written communication of the design ideas starts to justify the design solution of the building against the significant opportunities and constraints identified throughout the design process (2). The student makes good use of a mock-up by addressing and evaluating further significant opportunities and constraints (2).
To reach Excellence, there would need to be further evidence of informed decisions which integrate spatial design knowledge. More investigation of the size and flow of the building would help connect the design thinking and give more flow to the design process.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to clearly resolve a spatial design through graphics practice.
This involves:
- exploring the wider environmental conditions and human factors related to the design context to identify opportunities and constraints
- communicating a spatial design that addresses significant opportunities and constraints
This student has started to address the significant opportunities and constraints which the design ideas start to explore and refine (1). Throughout the portfolio (1) (2), the student has focussed on some of the environmental conditions and human factors. For example, there is consideration of the materials and the danger of the reflected light near the sea.
The ease of building is discussed, and also the interaction that the building has with the landscape it is situated in. The student has used spatial design knowledge throughout the portfolio from bubble diagrams to computer generated images of the resolved design (1) (2).
For a more secure Merit, the student would need to explore more of the wider environmental conditions outside of the immediate design, such as sustainable resources and living solutions.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to resolve a spatial design through graphics practice.
This involves:
- exploring and refining design ideas based on an analysis of the design context (including opportunities and constraints) and understanding of spatial design knowledge
- communicating a spatial design that addresses identified opportunities and constraints
The student has started to explore the human factors and some wider environmental factors to solve issues in the development of the design ideas (1). Opportunities and constraints identified by the student provide further scope for design investigation (1).
Some basic human factors are explored, and the use of computer images shows an understanding of the spatial design knowledge expected at this level (2). The evaluation starts to show how the design has addressed the significant opportunities (2).
To reach Merit, the student could address significant opportunities and constraints associated with the location, style and type of building.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to resolve a spatial design through graphics practice.
This involves:
- exploring and refining design ideas based on an analysis of the design context (including opportunities and constraints) and understanding of spatial design knowledge
- communicating a spatial design that addresses identified opportunities and constraints
The student has begun to identify the opportunities and constraints available in the design brief (1). The opportunities identified provide further direction for design exploration and refinement. Some of the research is integrated in design ideas and the computer generated images show understanding of spatial design knowledge such as space and flow in the kitchen area (1).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could integrate the research into the design ideas more, to show how that research has informed the design ideas and also show more depth in the exploration and refinement of the design ideas.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to resolve a spatial design through graphics practice.
This involves:
- exploring and refining design ideas based on an analysis of the design context (including opportunities and constraints) and understanding of spatial design knowledge
- communicating a spatial design that addresses identified opportunities and constraints
The student has started to show an understanding of spatial design knowledge with the use of mock-ups and computer generated images (1). There is some analysis of the design context, and the opportunities and constraints start to appear in the annotation (1).
This analysis occurs throughout the design process as the student investigates the design issues involved. The final solution shows good use of computer aided drawing for the floor plan, elevations and 3D views of the structure that show some spatial design knowledge has been used (2).
To reach Achieved, the student could increase the depth of understanding and reference to spatial design knowledge in the exploration and refinement of the design ideas.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
Download all exemplars and commentary [PDF, 14 MB]
TKI Design and Visual Communication assessment resources (external link)