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For Achieved, the student needs to participate in creative strategies to create a drama. This involves demonstrating active involvement in a devising process and using elements and conventions to create a devised drama.
Students must also demonstrate whanaungatanga by using creative strategies that support the devising of drama.
Title of drama: Growing pains. In the performance of the drama, this student is wearing a brown patterned dress.
The student has explicitly evidenced how they demonstrated whanaungatanga during the creative process. For example, they describe challenges the group faced and provide evidence of how their group relationship and ways of communicating were a strength.
Teacher observation notes confirm the student has demonstrated involvement in the devising process at the Achieved level. They have identified the key message for the drama and described how they have used and established elements such as role and situation with hair and costume technologies.
Achieved video
For Merit, the student needs to apply creative strategies to create a drama. This involves contributing and responding to ideas in a devising process, and experimenting with and selecting elements and conventions to shape a devised drama.
Students must also demonstrate whanaungatanga by using creative strategies that support the devising of drama.
Title of drama: Influences. The student is wearing a black top and pants and is sitting down on the second chair ‘stage right’ at the start of the performance.
There is explicit evidence of this student demonstrating whanaungatanga during the creative process. For example, they describe how the group safely voiced their opinions, perspectives, and experiences around the given topic; then while developing the drama, worked around challenges faced to ensure everyone in the group had their say and were in agreement.
They have contributed to group brainstorms and discussions and responded to ideas during the devising process to reflect the key message: “for the audience to learn the influences affecting teenagers’ journey of faith”.
They have experimented with conventions (chorus and movement), and selected lighting, props, and set items to establish the elements of drama. The student has rejected dramatic material and selected the idea of using two or three short montage scenes to create dramatic action to show the ‘influences’, and to shape the devised drama.
Merit video
For Excellence, the student needs to refine the use of creative strategies to create a drama. This involves negotiating and extending ideas through collaboration in a devising process, and extending the use of elements and conventions to create a coherent devised drama.
Students must also demonstrate whanaungatanga by using creative strategies that support the devising of drama.
Title of drama: Blooming Love. In the performance of the drama, the student wears a plain white shirt.
This student’s audio file provides explicit evidence of demonstrating whanaungatanga during the creative process. For example, the student describes how they initially bonded to “better their connections and form kinship with each other”, and used specific strategies to preserve peace in the group to create a shared vision.
The student has negotiated with the group to extend the recurring flower motif. They have extended the use of technologies such as sound, lighting, and props to clearly establish drama elements and confirm coherent drama. The student has the idea to use a montage of song, dance, and narration, which extends the element of situation.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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