US 31026 A annotated exemplars

Present information on a familiar topic

English Language | Level 2
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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For Achieved, the learner needs to present information on a familiar topic.

This involves:

  • ensuring that the presentation is structured and relevant to the topic
  • clear sequencing of evidence in connected discourse
  • using short sentences and some longer compound sentences
  • speaking audibly and comprehensibly, although hesitations, errors and inconsistencies may occur
  • using conventions appropriate to the delivery of information.

The learner has presented information about the importance of the coconut tree in Kiribati.

The presentation is relevant to the topic, and structured with a clear introduction, an explanation of the uses of the various parts of the coconut tree in turn - the leaves, fruit, trunk and roots – supported by slideshow images, and a conclusion. (The section on roots has been edited from the video.)

Evidence is clearly sequenced and connected through the use of conjunctions, such as ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’, ‘in order to’, ‘even though’ to link ideas. A mix of short sentences and longer compound sentences is used, as well as some complex sentences.

The presentation is audible, and only occasional mispronounced words are unintelligible, e.g. toddy. There are some hesitations and inconsistencies, but these are often self-corrected or clarified by repetition and rephrasing, e.g. when talking about the toddy drink.

Conventions, including appropriate eye contact, stance and gesture, as well as verbal strategies, are used appropriately.

Achieved - Video

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