AS 91550 annotated exemplars

Interact clearly using spoken German to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives in different situations

German | Level 3
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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TKI German assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91550 exemplar Low Excellence (ZIP | 30 MB)


For Excellence, the student needs to interact clearly using effective spoken German to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.

This involves the student accounting for and sustaining their own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others. There will be successful use of a range of language, and skilful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction.

Interaction will not be hindered by inconsistencies.

The exemplified student speaks second in all three interactions.

In this portfolio of interactions, the student uses spoken German effectively;language such as ‘’…mit der Frau, die Ilona heißt?’, ‘…weil, wo es teuer ist, lohnt es sich bestimmt.’ demonstrates a range that is consistently fit for purpose and audience.

The student skilfully selected from a repertoire of language features, such as questioning, using persuasive and contextually appropriate language while sustaining personal points of view,  e.g. ‘ich will nicht sehen “Lola rennt”, pausing ‘ja… das ist die beste Idee’ and ‘Nein, das war ein Witz.’.

The student skillfully uses strategies to maintain the interaction, e.g. by agreeing ‘Ja, ja, ich kenne das.’ and recognising cues ‘Oh, geil!’

For a more secure Excellence, the student could demonstrate that inconsistencies in pronunciation as well as grammatical and lexical inconsistencies will have less impact on communication of the message.

High Merit

91550 exemplar High Merit (ZIP | 19 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to interact clearly using convincing spoken German to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.

This involves the student accounting for and sustaining their own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others. There will be a range of language and generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction.

Interaction will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

The exemplified student speaks first in the first two interactions, and speaks second in the third interaction.

The student expresses personal views with evidence to support them, e.g. ’Also, ich finde Deutschland so schön mit alle die altes Städte…’, ‘Ich habe mich einfach auf dem Tisch gesessen, und dann kam er rein…und er hat mir gesagt, dass ich nicht immer meine Meinung sagen muss…das finde ich blöd…’

The student evaluates ideas, such as ‘Aber weder Neuseeland noch Deutschland haben die Lösung zu diesen Problem gefunden.’, ‘Ok, vielleicht sollen wir ein Bischen mehr denken.’

To reach Excellence, the student will meet the criteria of skilful selection from a repertoire of language features. 

Low Merit

91550 exemplar Low Merit (ZIP | 31 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to interact clearly using convincing spoken German to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.

This involves the student accounting for and sustaining their own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others. There will be a range of language, and generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction.

Interaction will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

The exemplified student speaks first in the first interaction, and second in interactions two and three.

The student demonstrates a capability of challenging the ideas of others: ‘Es würde sehr schwer sein im Deutsch seit zwei Stunden lang zu verstehen’. The student is adept at exploring ideas and pespectives, particularly in the second interaction.

The student’s personal views are sustained, e.g. ‘Ich glaube das ist nicht so ernst für junge Leute und das Sprache ist nicht so schwer zu verstehen.’, ‘…weil wir sind fertig mit die Schule um halb Vier.’ and ‘Ich bin das gegen… wenn man älter ist, das sieht nicht so gut aus.’

Inconsistencies do not significantly hinder understanding by either partner of listener.                                      

However, for a more secure Merit, the student could demonstrate a more consistent ability to use language and language features with some spontaneity. Parts of the three interactions sound rehearsed, e.g. some parts are delivered without pausing, other parts have no evidence of utterances denoting hestiation for gathering thoughts. These parts of the interactions also show a consistency in delivery speed and intonation not evidenced in wholly unrehearsed interactions.

High Achieved

91550 exemplar High Achieved (ZIP | 28 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to interact clearly using spoken German to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.

This involves the student accounting for and sustaining their own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

The exemplified student speaks first in the first two interactions, and speaks second in the third interaction.

There is evidence that the student sustains personal views, e.g. …der Lehrer in Neuseeland viel  entspanner und lockerer….weil wir kleinere Klasse haben, ah, können sie kennenzulernen ihre Lehrer besser.‘

The student explores and justifies ideas, e.g. ‘..und die Handlung ist ganz spannend.’, ‘Und man lernt viel über die politische Situation.’

To reach Merit, the student will need to demonstrate a generally successful selection of language features. The use of language such as incomplete sentences and inconsistencies in word-order, pronunciation and word endings impact on comprehension and force the partner to guess meaning and complete the verbalisation of ideas.

Low Achieved

91550 exemplar Low Achieved (ZIP | 20 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to interact clearly using spoken German to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.

This involves the student accounting for and sustaining their own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

The exemplified student says ‘Ja, was willst du ueber Neuseeland wissen?’ in the second interaction.

The student explores and justifies ideas, e.g. ‘Der Film ist sehr empfehlenswert, vor allem für junge Maedchen.’, ‘Für mich persoenlich es ist nicht so schlimm…’, ‘…und niemand ertrinkt!’

The student demonstrates an ability to finding out other’s perspectives by asking questions like ‘Was willst du ueber Neuseeland wissen?’, ‘In Deutschland, wie alt kann man mit Auto fahren?’.

For a more secure Achieved, there will be additional evidence of language that demonstrates that the student actively participates in interactions with a degree of spontaneity.

Incomplete sentences, word order and lexical inconsistencies will hinder communication less frequently.

Further, incongruities, like long passages of rehearsed speech, which contrast with evidence of incompletely expressed ideas, will be minimised.

High Not Achieved

91550 exemplar High Not Achieved (ZIP | 20 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to interact clearly using spoken German to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.

This involves the student accounting for and sustaining own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

The exemplified student speaks second in all three interactions.

There is evidence that the student is capable of accounting for their own views, e.g. ‘Ich denke Deutschland ist cool, aber nicht so cool wie Neuseeland’, ‘Jetzt muss man in der Schule nicht so diszipliniert sein. Ich denke, man hat jetzt viel weniger Stress’.

There are questions that indicate the student is finding out about the ideas of others, such as ‘Wie meinst du?’ and ‘Was denkst du?’.

To reach Achieved, there will be additional evidence of exploration of ideas and perspectives. The student will demonstrate an ability to actively participate in interactions beyond reacting to partner’s cues and using pre-learned passages.

See all German assessment resources