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For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of decision-making in a health-related situation.
This involves describing factors relevant to decision-making and possible consequences of a health-related situation, and a proposed decision in response to the situation (in relation to hauora), with reference to the factors and anticipated consequences of the decision.
The student has described relevant factors and possible consequences for hauora for the individual who must decide whether to engage in underage drinking while at a party.
The evidence includes descriptions of anticipated consequences for each proposed option. For example, “You might get really drunk and your parents will catch you and they will lose your trust and you might not be able to hang out with your friends again.”
A clear health enhancing decision is reached based on consideration of the factors, the consequences the situation poses, and the anticipated consequences of the options that the individual must decide between.
For Merit, the student needs to explain decision-making in a health-related situation.
This involves discussing why the factors and anticipated consequences are significant to the proposed decision, and explaining how the factors and anticipated consequences interrelate to influence the proposed decision, in relation to hauora.
For example, parental attitudes, values, and behaviours influence young people in terms of when they begin drinking, how often they drink and how much they drink. Parental influence is therefore significant to the situation, and its importance could be discussed and weighed up against the other factors.
For Merit, the student needs to explain decision-making in a health-related situation.
This involves discussing why the factors and anticipated consequences are significant to the proposed decision, and explaining how they interrelate to influence the proposed decision, in relation to hauora.
The student discusses why the factors and anticipated consequences for hauora are significant to the proposed decision, e.g. “If Jesse is pressured into having sex before she feels like it's the right time, the negative effects it has on Jesse's wellbeing could impact their relationship. Jesse's self-esteem levels could lower.”
Interrelationships between factors and anticipated consequences are explained to show how they relate to influence decision-making. For example, “Jesse has also watched films containing sex scenes and has felt discomfort when viewing them or felt worried because it looked sore. These influences could help affect Jesse's decision by having sex appear as a negative or frightening experience.”
A clear health enhancing decision is reached based on consideration of the factors, the consequences the situation poses, and the anticipated consequences of the options that the individual must decide between.
For Excellence, the student needs to evaluate decision-making in a health-related situation. This involves drawing conclusions about the significance of the decision in response to the situation, in relation to hauora. For example, the student could reflect on the immediate and possible long-term effects on wellbeing of their decision for themselves, and/or consider the wider implications of the decision for others and society.
For Excellence, the student needs to evaluate decision-making in a health-related situation.
This involves drawing conclusions about the significance of the decision-making in response to the situation, in relation to hauora.
The student has drawn conclusions about the significance of the decision for hauora. The significance for personal wellbeing is explained, e.g. “My decision can have immediate positive effects like relief from the bullying, as well as long-term impacts such as improved self-confidence and self-worth”.
The significance of the decision for the wellbeing of others and society is also explained. “I will be making a safer online environment for myself and others and help raise awareness about the issue. Together, it can make a difference and create a space where cyberbullying is less tolerated and victims of bullying like me can receive the support they deserve without judgement.”
The student uses more complex thinking to draw conclusions about the effects on hauora of following a decision-making process. For example, “Taking these steps and working through the process means that I can make a decision that aligns with my personal values that really mean something to me like having empathy, kindness, and respect for myself and others.
The student has comprehensively evaluated decision-making in a health-related situation in which a decision-making process is followed to reach a clear health enhancing decision, based on the factors and anticipated consequences of the different presented options.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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