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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to conduct an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical methods, with statistical insight.
This involves integrating statistical and contextual knowledge throughout the investigation process which may involve reflecting on the process, or considering other relevant variables.
This student’s evidence is a response to the TKI assessment resource ‘Memory Tests’.
The student has posed an investigative question (1), planned the experiment (2), conducted the experiment and collected data (3), selected appropriate displays and measures (4), discussed displays and measures (5) and communicated findings in a conclusion (6).
The student has integrated statistical and contextual knowledge in the planning of the experiment (7) and has reflected on the process and considered other variables (8).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could have discussed in more detail how their findings and reflections could be used to improve the experimental design and strengthened the integration of statistical and contextual knowledge in the response.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to conduct an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical methods, with justification.
This involves linking components of the experimental process to the context, explaining relevant considerations in the investigation process, and supporting findings with statements which refer to evidence gained from the experiment.
The student has posed an investigative question (1), planned the experiment (2), conducted the experiment and collected data (3), selected appropriate displays and measures (4), discussed displays and measures (5) and communicated findings in a conclusion (6).
The student has conducted an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical methods. They have justified components of the process by explaining relevant considerations in the introduction (7) and in the planning of the experiment, and also by supporting findings with statements which refer to evidence gained from the experiment (8).
To reach Excellence, the student could provide more evidence of integrating statistical and contextual knowledge. For example, the student could have discussed whether the findings for the experiment agree or not with the research. They could also reflect on the experimental design and consider improvements in light of experience.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to conduct an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical methods, with justification.
This involves linking components of the experimental process to the context, explaining relevant considerations in the investigation process, and supporting findings with statements which refer to evidence gained from the experiment.
This student's evidence is a response to the TKI assessment resource ‘Jump line'.
The student has posed an investigative question (1), planned the experiment (2), conducted the experiment and collected data (3), selected appropriate displays and measures (4), discussed displays and measures (5) and communicated findings in a conclusion (6).
Components of the process have been justified by supporting findings with statements which refer to evidence gained from the experiment.
For a more secure Merit, the student could provide more depth in the explanation of the relevant considerations in the planning of the experiment, for example, an explanation for the 2.3 m distance for the target line. The student could also clearly identify what other variables were controlled in the experiment.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to conduct an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical methods.
This involves showing evidence of using each component of the investigation process.
This student's evidence is a response to the TKI assessment resource 'Memory Tests'.
The student has posed an investigative question (1), planned the experiment (a paired comparison with a 10 minute wait time as the intervention) (2), conducted the experiment and collected data (3), selected appropriate displays and measures (4), discussed displays and measures (5) and communicated findings in a conclusion (6).
To reach Merit, the student could support findings with statements which refer to evidence gained from the experiment and explain relevant considerations in the investigation process, for example, the reason for a 10 minute wait before listing the objects a second time.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to conduct an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical methods.
This involves showing evidence of using each component of the investigation process.
This student's evidence is a response to the TKI assessment resource ‘Jump line'.
The student has posed an investigative question (1), planned the experiment (2), conducted the experiment and collected data (3), selected appropriate displays and measures (4), discussed displays and measures (5) and communicated findings in a conclusion (6).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could provide clearer detail in the plan about the position of the goal and further detail about the style of the jump. They could also give additional detail in the discussion of the displays and measures.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to conduct an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical methods.
This involves showing evidence of using each component of the investigation process.
This student's evidence is a response to the TKI assessment resource 'Memory Tests'.
The student has posed an investigative question (1), planned the experiment, (a paired comparison with a 10 minute wait as the intervention) (2), conducted the experiment and collected data (3), selected appropriate displays and measures (4) and communicated findings in a conclusion (5).
To reach Achieved, the student would need to discuss the displays and measures. The response could also be strengthened by the inclusion of an arrow diagram which would allow the student the opportunity to discuss differences for individual participants in the experiment.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
Download all exemplars and commentary [PDF, 1.4 MB]
TKI Mathematics and Statistics assessment resources (external link)