AS 92016 Annotated exemplars

Apply movement strategies in an applied setting

Physical Education | Level 1
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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Level 1 Physical Education assessment resources (external link) -


92016 Exemplar Achieved (PDF | 379 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to apply movement strategies in an applied setting.

This involves:

  • identifying a range of movement strategies in an applied setting
  • demonstrating a range of movement strategies in an applied setting.

This student has identified and demonstrated a range of movement strategies (running strategic angles to create space for teammates to score, zone defence to defend the pou and moving into space to receive the kī) in a Kī o Rahi applied setting.

The evidence includes a live teacher observation sheet with commentary and student videos that show demonstrating a range of identified Kī o Rahi movement strategies.

The student video and descriptor for each movement strategy in the applied setting (class tournament) include more details of the characteristics that indicate the quality of the movement.  For example, running strategic angles to create space by attacking the defenders outside shoulder to turn them away from the pou, zone defence to defend the pou by tracking opponents across three pou in my half and stopping them from scoring and then staying back once they had left my half and running into space successfully and caught the ki after identifying my teammate was getting pressured.

The teacher live observation sheet shows the evidence of demonstration within each game over a series of observations.

For Merit, the student could consistently demonstrate a range of movement strategies in an applied setting. For example, further evidence of a consistent demonstration for each movement strategy observed over multiple occasions within each game or across a series of games in the class Kī o Rahi tournament.


92016 Exemplar Merit (PDF | 324 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to sustain movement strategies in an applied setting.

This involves consistently demonstrating a range of movement strategies in an applied setting.

This student has consistently demonstrated a range of movement strategies (serve the volleyball to land in the opposition court, passing the ball to a player in the front court and moves to a position to defend opposition’s spike/hit) in the Volleyball applied setting.

The evidence includes a live teacher observation sheet with commentary, an assessment schedule that provides a detailed descriptors of each movement strategy and an annotated student video that show consistently demonstrating a range of identified volleyball movement strategies in an applied setting (class tournament). These include appropriate characteristics for each movement strategy that indicate the quality of the movement. For example, consistently demonstrates coordination when serving the ball, consistently demonstrates coordination and control of movement when digging/ setting the ball to the front of the court, consistently demonstrates coordination when making defensive contact with a spike/hit.

The teacher live observation sheet and the annotated student video shows the evidence of consistent demonstration observed over multiple occasions within each game or across the series of games in the volleyball class tournament.

For Excellence, the student could effectively demonstrate, with intent and proficiency, a range of movement strategies in the volleyball applied setting.

For example, varying speed and placement of the serve to put pressure on receivers, accurate coordination and fluidity of movement when serving or getting into an effective blocking position and set placement allows for hitter to attack effectively. 


92016 Exemplar Excellence (PDF | 122 KB)


For Excellence, the student needs to execute movement strategies in an applied setting.

This involves effectively demonstrating with intent and proficiency a range of movement strategies in an applied setting.

This student has effectively demonstrated, with intent and proficiency, a range of movement strategies (throwing into space, man to man defence and V- cuts) in an ultimate frisbee applied setting.

The evidence includes a live teacher observation sheet and commentary and a student video that show effectively demonstrating a range of identified ultimate frisbee movement strategies with intent and proficiency in an applied setting (class tournament). These include appropriate characteristics for each movement strategy that indicate the quality of the movement. For example, accuracy and coordination when throwing the disk, anticipating and responding to external cues by intentionally selecting and purposely tracking an opponent to stop them receiving the disk and anticipating and responding to external cues by sharp, fluid and purposeful changes of direction to create space for themselves to receive the disk.

The teacher live observation sheet shows the evidence of effective demonstration with intent and proficiency observed over multiple occasions within each game or across a series of games in the ultimate frisbee class tournament.

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