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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective Samoan that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Effective Samoan will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is controlled and integrated, and by the capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
In extracts A and C, the student effectively communicates, expresses and justifies information, ideas and opinions, e.g. ‘O le mea totino e sili ona taua ia te a’u o la’u telefoni feavea’I; atonu e te’ena e o’u matua le malosi o lo’u tiotio i la’u telefoni ne’i te’i ua aafia la’u aoga’ (1) and ‘E taua tele le feau o lo’o fa’aalia mai lenei ata, o lo’o faaalia mai ai puapuagatia o lo’o feagai ma tagata matitiva i lea fo’i itu o le lalolagi’(2).
Effective Samoan is shown in the development through integrated and capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience, e.g. ‘Ua ou iloa i’uga ma a’afiaga e o’o ai tagata e fa’aaoga le tatau pe sese o lea tekonolosi aua ua avea ma auala ua fela’ua’i ai tala…’ (3) and ‘E leai lava se isi e saogalemu i ia tulaga…ae o le auga ina ia taumafai e tete’e i fa’aosoosoga ma ia aua ne’i tatou tu’uaia lo tatou siosiomaga…’(4).
Across all three extracts, communication is not hindered by inconsistencies in choice and use of language and language features.
For a more secure Excellence, there could be additional evidence of development, e.g. extract B could further develop, integrate and justify ideas and information relevant to the topic.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective Samoan that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Convincing Samoan will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible, and by the connected and selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
In extract A, the student effectively communicates, expresses and justifies information, ideas and opinions which are controlled and integrated, e.g. ‘E sa’o lava le alagaupu Fa’aperetania…e moni ma fa’amaoni lea upu ona ou te lagona…O lo’u fale o se nofoaga e mafana ona o le mafutaga ma uso ma tuagane i lalo ifo o le tausiga o matua’(5).
In this extract, there is a range of language and language features capably selected that are fit for purpose and audience, e.g. ‘Ou te fa ‘afetai i o’u matua o lo’o maua se nofoaga mautu ou te malu ai. O se fa’amanuiaga lea mai Le Atua ona ua ou iloa, e le tofu uma tagata ma fale latou te malu ma aumau ai’ (6).
To reach Excellence, inconsistencies should not hinder communication. There are sentence fragments which do not make sense due to incorrect word order, e.g.‘o le uiga e sili nei e taua tele ai lo’u tama’ (7), and there are several spelling mistakes, e.g. ‘o’u uo’ instead of ‘a’u uo’ and ‘taalo’ (singular) instead of ‘taaalo’ (plural), which do affect communication.
To reach Excellence, there would also be more consistent evidence of development. In extract C, the information and ideas could have been developed further (as required for Excellence), e.g. ‘O lo’o sologa lelei fo’i lo’u feagai ai ma a’oa’oga…sa fai matou suega fa’ata’ita’i i le kuata fa’atoa mavae atu ma sa fiafia tele ona…’.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective Samoan that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Convincing Samoan will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible, and by the connected and selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student develops information and ideas which is generally credible and connected, e.g. ‘O le tala o lo’u tina e masani ona fai o le “uo mo aso uma ae o le uso mo aso vale’ (8). The language used is also fit for the purpose and audience of each text type, e.g. ‘Safai ai loa lona tama, e tolu lava mea ia oute fia mana’o e te faia ona e maua ai lea o le ta’avale’(9) and ‘Fofo’e fa’ipula ma tu’u i totonu o se ‘ulo ma sasa’a i ai le vai vevela’(10).
For a more secure Merit, there needs to be additional evidence of a range of language which is fit for purpose and audience.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in Samoan that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The texts fulfil the communicative intents of the tasks and the language used is fit for the task and audience. There is some evidence of justifying ideas and opinions, e.g. ‘O le amataga o lenei tala tu’u o Samoa na amata mai le motu o Savai’i, o le ulugālii o le tamaita’i o Fonuea ma lona to’alua’(11),‘I le atunu’u pele o Samoa e tele mata’aga e i ai mo tamaiti laiti e o’o i tagata matutua’ (12) and ‘I le ata muamua e i ai tagata leaga e alu solo e fasioti tagata mo latou tupe ma gaoi ta’avale’(13).
To reach Merit, communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies such as incorrect word order or sentence structure, e.g. ‘I le na’o o le fa’atafao ae ua sili ona Malaga atu I mea e fai o aulotu e fai i Faleula’ (14) and ‘Ae e ui e mo’i, e leaga tagata ae e i ai a le taimi e [sui] ai le tagata ma [sui] lona olaga, o se olaga amiolelei ai le tagata lea’ (15).
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in Samoan that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student expresses and justifies some information, ideas and opinions, e.g. ‘E tatau ona tu’u i le sefulu ono le tausaga ave ta’avale aua i lenei vaitaimi o le tausaga fa’atupula’a e ave ai le ta’avale i Niu Sila o le sefulu lima’(16),‘O se tafaoga e pito sili lava ona taua ia te a’u o le taimi na ou malaga muamua i le atunu’u o Samoa’ (17), ‘Mo le lumana’i, ou te fia avea ma social worker, po’o tagata e fautua i aiga, aemaise le au tupulaga talavou’(18).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could provide additional evidence of language to express and justify ideas and opinions, e.g. by giving examples to illustrate key ideas as well as providing reasons and explanations.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in Samoan that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student attempts to write a variety of text types in Samoan, and communication is achieved across the three pieces.
To reach Achieved, the student must also provide evidence of justifying and expressing ideas and opinions at Level 7 of the curriculum. Because the three pieces are very short, the student has not been able to provide this evidence. The overall word count (across at least 3 text types) should be at least 400 words.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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