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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to develop a justified conceptual design for an outcome.
This involves:
- synthesising evidence from ongoing research and functional modelling, including feedback from stakeholders, to evaluate conceptual designs
- substantiating the outcome’s potential fitness for purpose.
This student developed a conceptual design for a recipe card to be given out with a food parcel.
The student used advice from a relevant technologist as a starting point, and showed some evidence of synthesising this information with the results of their own testing of recipes, analysis of a range of recipe layouts and feedback from other people to inform the developing conceptual design (1).
Feedback from functional modelling also formed part of this synthesis of evidence to evaluate conceptual designs (2). Other feedback contributed to the development of design ideas (3), the validation of recipe choices (4) and recipe format (5).
The student substantiates the outcome’s fitness for purpose (6).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could have included more evidence of key stakeholder feedback (i.e. food bank personnel) to validate the decision making that was occurring.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to develop a refined conceptual design for an outcome.
This involves:
- ongoing exploration and evaluation of design ideas to determine their suitability for inclusion in conceptual designs
- using evidence from on-going research and functional modelling, including feedback from stakeholders, to evaluate conceptual designs.
This student developed a conceptual design for a sturdy toy for a young cousin.
The student explores and evaluates existing toys and parts relevant to toy design, such as steering assembly, motors, reverse relays and material items to determine their suitability (1) (2) (3).
The student interviews a key stakeholder to seek opinion of a functional model demonstration for further on-going research (4).
To reach Excellence, the student could justify the conceptual design’s potential fitness for purpose as defined by the brief.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to develop a refined conceptual design for an outcome.
This involves:
- ongoing exploration and evaluation of design ideas to determine their suitability for inclusion in conceptual designs
- using evidence from on-going research and functional modelling, including feedback from stakeholders, to evaluate conceptual designs.
This student developed a conceptual design for a recipe card to be given out with a food parcel.
The student explores and evaluates apple pinwheel scones to determine their suitability as a recipe to be included with a food parcel (1). The student researches different font types for inclusion on the recipe (2).
A guest speaker from the Salvation Army identified that some clients did not know what to do with some of the ingredients in a food parcel, when they received them.
Students were asked to develop recipes that were simple, culturally suitable, nutritious, easy to read, easy to cook, and enabled time saving. These factors were included in the research and development of the conceptual ideas.
The student shows functional models of the recipe (3) and refers to the feedback from stakeholders in the evaluation of the conceptual designs (4).
For a more secure Merit, the student could provide more detail of how the stakeholder assisted with the refinement of the conceptual outcome.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to develop a conceptual design for an outcome.
This involves:
- establishing potential conceptual designs through generating and evaluating design ideas that are informed by research, including the analysis of existing outcomes
- using evidence from research and functional modelling, including feedback from stakeholders, to evaluate conceptual designs
- selecting and communicating the final conceptual design for an outcome
- explaining the outcome’s potential fitness for purpose.
This student developed a conceptual design for an alarm system for the school auditorium.
The student analyses existing alarms on the internet and compares decibel levels as well as research and analysis of electronic components (1).
The student uses 2D and 3D freehand sketching to establish potential conceptual designs for a custom door alarm and develops a material/component list (2). A circuit is modelled and a 3D model of the receiver and transmitter housing and where it will be mounted is also modelled to gain stakeholder feedback (2).
The student explains the outcome’s fitness for purpose in an on-going way as the conceptual design develops(1) (2).
To reach Merit, the student could show evidence of on-going exploration of design ideas, and stakeholder feedback would need to be more apparent throughout the practice.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to develop a conceptual design for an outcome.
This involves:
- establishing potential conceptual designs through generating and evaluating design ideas that are informed by research, including the analysis of existing outcomes
- using evidence from research and functional modelling, including feedback from stakeholders, to evaluate conceptual designs
- selecting and communicating the final conceptual design for an outcome
- explaining the outcome’s potential fitness for purpose.
This student developed a conceptual design for a recipe card to be given out with a food parcel.
The student produces a list of potential conceptual designs for recipe format which are evaluated and informed by research (1). (Analysis of existing outcomes was completed by the student but not shown in the exemplar.)
The student talks about recipes that have been trialled throughout the project (functional modelling) and selects and communicates the final recipe and format (2). The student explains some of the outcome’s fitness for purpose (3).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could show more detail in the potential recipe designs. The final explanation for the choice of recipes and layout could show more depth. Further, the explanation could have also included verification from the client that it was an outcome that was potentially fit for purpose.
The student would also need to overcome difficulties with feedback and communication with one of the key stakeholders.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to develop a conceptual design for an outcome.
This involves:
- establishing potential conceptual designs through generating and evaluating design ideas that are informed by research, including the analysis of existing outcomes
- using evidence from research and functional modelling, including feedback from stakeholders, to evaluate conceptual designs
- selecting and communicating the final conceptual design for an outcome
- explaining the outcome’s potential fitness for purpose.
This student developed a conceptual design for a remote contolled lamp for his mother.
The student evaluates three lamp concepts in terms of physical attributes (one is shown here) (1).
The student uses a 3D cardboard model to test for shape and size in the location (2) and produces a functional model to test circuitry. There is evidence of stakeholder comments (3).
The student presented the conceptual design to the stakeholder.
To reach Achieved, the student could show more evidence around establishing potential conceptual designs through generating and evaluating design ideas that are informed by research, including analysis of existing outcomes.
The student would also need to further evaluate conceptual designs and they would also need to communicate a final conceptual design which showed development that went beyond shape. The evaluation would need to explain potential fitness for purpose in terms of more than just appearance (4).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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