How to avoid contract cheating

Hear what students think about contract cheating, and find links to helpful study resources

What is contract cheating?

Contract cheating is when someone has academic work, like coursework, tests or exams, completed on their behalf, and submit it as if they had created it themselves.

A loss of integrity, loss of respect, loss of credibility and shame

What students think about contract cheating

We asked students about what contract cheating meant, and their top 5 responses were:

  • contract cheating can have an impact on the reputation of everyone who has the qualification – including those who did not cheat
  • contract cheating prioritises results over learning
  • cheating can take away opportunities from others when competing for scholarships
  • having qualifications without the required skills can have serious impacts, especially when it comes to health and safety
  • Māori and Pacific students talked about cultural shame and the loss of learning, and that contract cheating was cheating you out of opportunity.

10 Tips to avoid contract cheating

  1. Back yourself - you can do it!
  2. Ask your school or tertiary provider about the rules and expectations around academic integrity and cheating.
  3. Prepare and plan your time in advance, so your work is not done at the last minute.
  4. Take notes during classes and re-read them to make sure they will make sense later.
  5. Take advantage of advice from your teachers and tutors.
  6. If you don't understand, ask until you do. It is a sign of strength to ask for help.
  7. Create a routine for study, health, recreation and social life.
  8. Join a study group or create your own.
  9. If you’re overwhelmed, talk to your teacher, tutor, a classmate or someone you trust.

10. You’ll get more satisfaction if it’s all your own work!

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