Key dates and information

Please refer to the online version of the Key Dates to ensure you have access to the most up to date information:

Key dates for secondary assessment

14 June

Final date to submit Memorandum of Agreement online

17 June

Exam Centre Manager nominations close online

1 July

Data file submission due

Attach SAC entitlements to external standards from now

24 July

Submission instructions published on the NZQA website for submissions due 30 October

1 August

Data file submission due

5 August

Release of results for Literacy and Numeracy | Te Reo Matatini me Te Pāngarau co-requisite Assessment Event 1

General administration and data

Retaining assessment material

With the change to external moderation requiring work from the current school year, it is timely to review your school policy on retaining internal assessment material as its availability for external moderation may no longer be the main driver.

Internal moderation

Discontinuation of NSN cards reminder

NZQA is no longer supplying physical National Student Number (NSN) cards for candidates entered in NCEA assessments, as indicated on the key dates calendar.

See Assessment Matters Circular A2024/7

Assessment Master guides for supervisors updated

The Assessment Master supervisor guides have been updated on the Provider Login.

The latest version of the Supervisor guides and job aids no longer include instructions on how to record attendance and other response types as this process is replaced by the Online Attendance Register (for schools to complete and submit if they are uploading responses via their provider login). 

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu – end of year exam ākonga

This is included at the request of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu.

Te Kura ākonga who are not enrolled with another secondary school sit their end of year examinations at a school in their community. This is because Te Kura is not an examination centre. If a Te Kura ākonga requests to sit their end of year examinations at your school, Te Kura will email you their details, the end of year external standards they intend to sit, and the online link for you to approve or decline their request. Te Kura ākonga are expected to contact the Principal’s Nominee to discuss whether their request can be accommodated. 

Te Kura appreciates the support of schools in enabling their ākonga to sit their end of year examinations. For more information, please contact the Qualifications Advisor at Te Kura on 0800 65 99 88 option 3 (ask for Jo) or email

NZQA has confirmed this process does not require an Exam Centre Memorandum of Understanding. 

Submission of external moderation 2024

A reminder that material for each standard identified for external moderation must be submitted as soon as practical after the assessment process for that standard is completed, (i.e. following the completed internal moderation process and provision of results for that standard).

At all NCEA levels, the material submitted for external moderation needs to be from the current year.

Assessment Matters 2023/14

Level 1 Kete Manarua and submitted external assessments


The guidelines for managing the assessment process for 2024 Level 1 standards that are assessed through Kete Manarua or submission are available:

Process guidelines for Level 1 Kete Manarua and submitted external assessments

The link is also available on subject resource pages under 'Useful exam information'.

Co-requisite - Assessment Event 1 summary June 2024

Assessment Event 1 (AE1) for Literacy and Numeracy standards ran successfully from 20 – 31 May 2024.  Actual participation was lower than entry numbers for each standard:

Standard Entry numbers for AE1 2024 Completed assessments
Numeracy 66,809 55,453
Literacy - Reading 65,643 54,685
Literacy - Writing 63,692 51,689

The information gathered from schools and kura about intended participation days prior to AE1 was valuable and consistent with actual participation. This means - as anticipated - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings of the first week, and Tuesday morning of the second week had the greatest number of students participating. 

  • There was a minor update to the format of the numeracy assessment in the early part of the first week.
  • We received feedback about system behaviour when students accessed the assessment after being locked out and amended the number of notifications to supervisors following a warning message to students. This meant that supervisors were not overwhelmed by a large number of notifications and could continue to focus on actively supervising students in the assessment.
  • Changing the frequency of notifications did not impact on our ability to collect data about all activity on the system by students, supervisors and administrators, and we acknowledge that this may have been a cause of concern for some.
  • In contrast to the large numbers of assessments completed online, we received around 1500 student responses scanned and submitted for marking.

Te Reo Matatini me Te Pāngarau assessments are running from 10 – 21 June 2024.

Results for Literacy, Numeracy, Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau assessments will be released the week beginning 5 August 2024.

Co-requisite - Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau

Te Reo Matatini – Mahi Kōrero submission instructions

Please refer to the TAPā page for instructions about submitting the mahi kōrero component for Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau assessments.

Go to the TAPā page for Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau

Te Reo Matatini (Reo Whakaputa) 32415 – Tūmahi Kōrero instructions

Instructions for submitting Tūmahi Kōrero specifically for Te Reo Matatini (Reo Whakaputa) 32415, have been published to the subject page and emailed to the Principal’s Nominee.

This includes instructions and guidance around assessing and submitting the Tūmahi Kōrero component of the TAPā assessment for standard 32415.

Go to the TAPā page for Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau

If you have any questions in the meantime, please email us at

Assessment Event 2 (AE2) entries for co-requisite standards

Please wait till after results release (5 August) to update entries to AE2 for those who were entered for AE1.

We are asking for you to do this because:

  • if a student had an entry for AE1 then they will get a result for that standard (N, A or SNA) and so can’t be removed from the standard in a later data file
  • if their entry is then changed to AE2 and is not needed (because they pass the standard) the AE can’t be changed back to AE1 because that assessment window will have passed. This means it will appear you have more students to manage and access than required
  • an AE must be selected for an entry in Literacy, Numeracy, Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau to be processed.

For students who weren’t entered for AE1, then it is fine for them to be entered into AE2 now.

We understand that there is not much time between receiving results and needing entries for AE2. We are looking at ways to improve this timeframe in the future, but at present the marking process requires this amount of time.

We will be again asking schools and kura to indicate which date(s), session (morning or afternoon) and the numbers of students expected to be participating in the Literacy and Numeracy, Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau assessments in September, similar to the approach used for students participating in DCAT assessments.

More information will be available in July. 

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA) assessment material

To view assessment material for TMoA, please visit the TMoA landing page and navigate to the wāhanga ako you require.

Go to Te Marautanga o Aotearoa landing page

Te Ao Haka – NZC Kaupapa ako Māori

Guide to preparing for TAPā assessments

Our short guide to preparing for TAPā assessments contains a list of the important information and support available for ākonga and kaiako in preparation for Te Ao Haka TAPā assessments.

Go to our guide for preparing for Te Ao Haka TAPā assessments

Visit the Te Ao Haka TAPā page to view the latest assessment specifications and other important information for preparing for TAPā assessments.

Go to the Te Ao Haka TAPā page

Te Ao Haka Te Hiranga (Scholarship) – Tauaromahi (Exemplar)

The following are now available for Te Ao Haka Te Hiranga:

  • Performance standard
  • Assessment specifications
  • Exemplar
  • Assessment schedule

You can download the exemplar and access the documents on the website.

Go to the Te Ao Haka Te Hiranga page

Ringa Toi student exhibition

Registrations of interest are now open for this year’s Ringa Toi Student Exhibition.

The exhibition will be held at Te Papa Tongarewa, Museum of New Zealand from Thursday 12 September to Friday 27 September 2024.

If you are interested in submitting student work to be considered for this year’s exhibition, please complete and submit the registration of interest form by Friday 05 July 2024:

Go to the registration of interest form (external link)

For more information, please visit our:

Ringa Toi page

Any pātai/kōrero can be sent to

External assessment

Samoan Level 2 (91143), Samoan Level 3 (91564)

The Assessment Specifications for Level 2 and Level 3 Samoan have been updated.

For those doing a paper-based examination, listening will commence in the second hour of the examination and candidates will be advised 5 minutes before the hour that the listening will commence.

NZQA is reviewing whether to change the structure of the Samoan examinations for 2025 and beyond to bring them into line with other languages.

Any change to the 2025 examination will be communicated to schools and kura before the end of this year.

Translations for New Zealand Curriculum L1 submitted assessment tasks

Translations into te Reo Māori for Level 1 submitted assessment tasks will not be available in 2024.

NZQA is committed to reviewing this for 2025.

Translations for end-of-year examinations will be available on request as with previous years.

Special Assessment Conditions (SAC)

Refer to the Special Assessment Conditions timeline

Students requiring Braille papers

Co-requisite assessment

If you have a student requiring Braille papers for the second corequisite assessment in September, please:

  • Email by 5 July so that we can confirm what is needed.
  • Submit a SAC application (even if the student is in Year 9 or 10) by 22 July at the latest. We will not have the time to prepare the Braille papers unless informed by this date.
  • Contact the SAC team if you need to discuss this requirement.

End of year examinations

For end of year examinations, SAC needs to be attached to the examination sessions as soon as possible and must be completed by Monday 29 July.

No SAC applications for Braille papers will be able to be approved after this date as considerable time is required to create them.

Attaching SAC entitlements to exam sessions

The Special Assessment Exams Processing link on your SAC page for attaching SAC entitlements to examinations opens on Monday 1 July.

Guidelines on how to complete this process can be found on page 38 of the:

SAC Online Tool Guide [PDF, 1.9 MB]

You can only complete this process once students’ external entries have been submitted to NZQA.

June SAC Update

This Update was emailed to all PNs and SENCOS in the first week of June. Please consult this for information on:

  • use of headphones in examination sessions
  • further guidance on attaching SAC entitlements to examination sessions
  • planned SAC online Q&A meetings.

SAC for Level 1 externally assessed submitted standards and TAPā in Term 3

Guidelines for providing SAC for these assessments


Please email if you have any questions or need support on SAC processes.

Core generic standards for Literacy, Numeracy or Te Pāngarau requirements

Use of core generic standards

The sub-set of standards with usage restrictions to achieve the NCEA co-requisite requirement includes the core generic standards (commonly referred to as the 266 series of standards).

These standards may only be used to meet the co-requisite requirement by secondary students enrolled with alternative education providers, activity centres, specialist schools, teen-parent units, health schools, and youth justice facilities in the current academic year.

Tertiary students are also eligible.  Students who hold concurrent secondary and tertiary enrolments in an academic year are not eligible, e.g. students enrolled with a school and completing an additional short course with a TEO.

The eligibility to use the 266 series in support of the co-requisite is dependent on a student’s enrolment status during the year assessment results are reported. NZQA provides reported results to the MoE who data match those results against the student NSN and their ENROL record to decide their eligibility to use the restricted standards to meet the co-requisite requirements.

Students must complete the 266** package in the same academic year as having been enrolled in TEOs or with alternative education providers, activity centres, specialist schools, teen-parent units, health schools, and youth justice facilities.

Information explaining the restriction regarding their use during the transitional years of 2024-2025 is available here:

Additional assessment standards with usage restrictions - (external link)

PN checklist - Nga māhi

Action items for Principal’s Nominee by calendar month

Visual Arts

Order art bags for Visual Arts through the:

Online form (external link)


Advise NZQA of DCAT assessment date by 1 August.

Early release of results

Make an application to NZQA for early results release for candidates seeking mid-year entry to university. Contact your SRM.


Ensure NZQA is informed of any students requiring Braille papers.

Begin attaching SAC to examination sessions from 1 July.

1 August data file submission

Check all external entries requiring translation or marking in Te Reo Māori are correctly flagged.

Ensure all external entries (including NZ Scholarship) for SAC candidates and DCAT are included.

Check timetable clashes and confirm candidates’ entries for externals.